Who are we?
Founded twenty-five years ago, by a
group of enthusiastic and committed
birdwatchers, who wanted to continue and maintain the recording of
Cheshire’s birds into the future, CAWOS is the leading ornithological
society in Cheshire and Wirral and membership presently stands at
340. There are more than a few of the original committee
members involved even now, but new blood and the computerisation of
records have helped us keep abreast of the many changes since 1988 and
to progress!
We are a registered charity and have
regular council meetings to
discuss all the matters on the table at the time, such as projects,
finance, the Annual Report, rarities, and to receive the reports from
various sub-committees. We report to our members at an Annual General
Meeting in March.
Why on earth?
CAWOS’ objectives are to promote and
encourage the study and
preservation of species and habitats within Cheshire and Wirral and
with the help of a computer database, we have not only got a valuable
resource for the Annual Report but also much data that remain
unpublished but which are still an extensive researchable
CAWOS’ founders knew that the valuable
record of the Annual Report for
Cheshire and Wirral was important as a continuous dataset to help
monitor the avifauna of the county over time. Cheshire Bird
Reports date back to the 1960s, and we now produce the much-applauded
annual Cheshire and Wirral Bird Report, giving details of every species
noted each year as well as specific papers, reports and pertinent
articles. Other publications are available to members in the
form of a thrice-yearly newsletter - Bird News - with regular features
of recent sightings, places to watch, a diary of county-wide events and
updates on surveys, projects, conservation issues, and notable ringing
A Gazetteer has been published as well,
listing about 2000 sites where
birds have been recorded and with maps and grid references it is a
useful resource for members and volunteer fieldworkers
The value of our fieldwork is
exemplified in the relatively recent
Birds in Cheshire and Wirral: A breeding and wintering atlas 2004-2007,
strengthening our links with many individual birders and affiliated
societies. An earlier breeding atlas 1978-1984 has served the
county well, but with so many land use and environmental changes over
the intervening twenty-five years, the need for a new body of work was
compelling. The Atlas was published with the help of a grant from the
Heritage Lottery Fund which has enabled us to work with our partners,
Cheshire Wildlife Trust and Halton Borough Council, who used the survey
data in educational programmes for young people.
Note: 'The C&W Atlas' as mentioned in the previous paragraph
was judged 4th place in the prestigious British Birds/BTO Best Book of
the Year in 2009 and in 2010 CAWOS was given the Marsh Local
Ornithology Award by the BTO, the award is made to a bird club
or group that publishes a book, completes a study or conducts any other
exceptional activity that advances knowledge about birds. Remarkably,
the Atlas is available free
of charge on-line - see www.cawos.org.
Always willing to add to the database,
records are our staple, and our
combined knowledge enables comment on planning applications that
threaten habitat loss or other disturbance. We can provide
meaningful data for conservation purposes and we monitor planning
applications in the various local authorities.
Each October, we start a varied and
interesting programme of
illustrated talks, normally on the first Friday of the month (open to
non-members too). Usually held at Knutsford, we invite
nationally-renowned speakers as well as local experts, and all enjoy
the photography and shared knowledge, as well as socialising over
refreshments during the interval.
CAWOS contributes to the work of
national bodies, such as the BTO
(surveys) and RSPB (data provision and nest watching for example), and
at a more local level gathers the records of the county’s many varied
societies, and supports, wherever possible, their various activities,
watches and events.
Well, Cheshire and Wirral of course –
our home ground – which is as
rich and diverse as most counties in England. Indeed, with
the coast, internationally important estuaries, meres and ponds, plus
upland areas, we are blessed with a full range of opportunities to see
birds in so many habitats, and hence there is a super list of breeding
and wintering birds each year.
What else?
Through an agreement with Natural
England, CAWOS manages the day-to-day
operation of the A.W. Boyd Memorial Observatory overlooking Rostherne
Mere. Members of the public can obtain annual or daily
permits to get a grandstand view of the mere and the birds it
supports. An Annual Report is produced, again a long-standing
record of the birds of this National Nature Reserve, with its deepest
(30m) and largest mere in Cheshire. Annual permits - £10
Single; £15 Family; £5 Concession, available via the Membership
Secretary (contact details at the end).
The Rarities Team review and debate
rare sightings and submit same to
the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) for national recognition
and recording. We also periodically hold training sessions,
conferences and exhibitions to promote birdwatching in general, to help
fulfil our role and to ensure future interest and knowledge.
We welcome applications for financial
help on particular projects from
time to time and in the past these have ranged from support for the
publication of books, land preservation, material for ringing groups,
individual’s studies, and even providing food for feeding stations
too. Much of this is financed by Gift Aid from our members.
Thanks are due to the many members who enjoy giving their time to bring
together a valuable body of information each year and to their
support. As ever, the ageing stalwarts and the newer team
members now running the Society are looking for help with projects and
it is pleasing to look to the future and to engage with so many
birders. With the Atlas behind us we are looking to track
bird life on sites of note in the county and to continue and
to expand regular monitoring, which will enable us to help protect
How much?
Membership of the Society is available
to everyone who are entitled to
free receipt of the annual Cheshire and Wirral Bird Report and the
newsletters. Adult £12pa; Corporate (includes affiliated
societies and supporting businesses) £12pa; Family £15pa; Junior £6pa.
Although the Cheshire and Wirral Bird Report is free to members and
posted out around the New Year, it can be obtained by non-members
through various outlets or from David Cogger, email:
davidcogger@cawos.org or tel: 01606 832517 at a cost of £9.50 (incl £2
Aid - very welcome!
– very welcome!
Submission of records is very
important. See www.cawos.org/submissionofrecords.htm for details. For 'Clwyd'
(Flintshire and Denbighshire) see the Clwyd Bird
Recording Group
Website. Non-rarities
can also be submitted via BirdTrack, but Rarity submissions MUST be
sent to the relevant county Rarity Panels (see the above websites for
Charity No. 702484, www.cawos.org.
Anyone interested in the Society or
wishing to become a member can get
details from the Membership Secretary:
MRS S CANOVAN, 7 POWNALL ROAD, CHEADLE HULME, CHESHIRE, SK8 5AZ, Phil Hampson, 2 Winsfield Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 6ES Email:
CAWOS 25th Anniversary
Celebration Day, 9th November 2013
Left: David Norman giving a talk on the changes in the Cheshire and
Wirral bird life as demonstrated by the data in the first
(1978-84) and latest (2004-06) Atlas.
Right: Colin Wells (RSPB Dee Estuary Manager) showing a graph
demonstrating the huge increase in Little Egret numbers on the Dee
Estuary over the past 15 years during his talk 'Work of the RSPB on the
Dee and Changes in Little Egret Population'.
See further photos of this event -
here. (Photos by Sheila Blamire).
of Page
Cheshire and Wirral Bird Report 2012
delighted to say that the annual Bird Report for 2012 will be available
from the end of January 2014. This year’s eye-catching colour
front cover is of a Water Rail, usually a secretive species which most
people hear rather than see, but here it has been captured in the open
and in beautiful light. The 176 pages of text include 74
graphs and tables, and 12 beautiful illustrations from two different
artists. As usual, the colour map of the county forms the
spread of the Bird Report. A total of 19 colour photographs,
which best capture some of the highlights of the year, are spread over
seven full pages.
The Bird Report is full of interesting articles:
The well-researched article: ‘A Cheshire Centenary of Willow and Marsh
Tits’, summarises the changing fortunes in Cheshire and Wirral of the
two species, covering their identification, history, changing status
over the years in local population and distribution, habitat and
• The rarity highlight of
the year was the discovery of a superb Little Swift at New
Brighton. This bird showed incredibly well and was the
longest-staying Little Swift on record in the UK and a much appreciated
first for Cheshire and Wirral.
• Another
fascinating article is the ‘Irruption of Coal Tits in autumn 2012’,
which indicates that the irrupting birds, found at sites with
peripheral (sub-optimal) habitat, were immatures, whilst the great
majority of Coal Tits in their core woodland habitat were adults.
An intriguing report of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls
nesting on roofs in Crewe – this particular site has the potential to
expand in future years.
• Finally, a
tribute to Dr Derek William Yalden, who was a mammalogist, a
zooarchaeologist and an ornithologist, and with respect to each he had
an incredible impact. Also, we recognise what he did for
conservation and for his much loved Peak District.
All the
‘regulars’ are there: ‘Weather and Bird Review of the Year’; the full
‘Systematic List of Birds Recorded in Cheshire and Wirral during 2012’,
including ‘Category E Species’; ‘Early and Late Dates for Migrants’;
‘Ringing Report’; ‘Breeding Bird Survey Results 1994-2012’; ‘BBRC and
County Rarities Decisions’; ‘Chairman’s Review’; and finally, advice on
the Cheshire and Wirral Gazetteer, and the ‘Submission of Records’,
including rarities.
Last, but not least, we have again
included a ‘Species Index’ at the back to help you quickly look up your
favourite species. This will be invaluable because we’re now
using the new BTO order of species, which includes some major changes.
Bird Report is free to Cheshire and Wirral Ornithological Society
members (ordinary membership costs £12), otherwise it costs £8 + £2
p&p and copies are available from:
David Cogger, 113 Nantwich Road, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 9HD
Tel: 01606 832517 Email: davidcogger@cawos.org.
This Little Swift at New
Brighton was the rarity highlight of the year
© Mike Davenport
of Page
Postscript - The Great Storm of December 2013
West Kirby February 27th
1990 - Wirral Globe
Yes, this is the same
shelter as shown in the
In fact, conditions were virtually identical on February 27th 1990 to
on December 5th 2013, and it was on that former date that the New
Brighton Swimming Baths were so badly damaged that they had to be
As well as the above photo more data has come
to light for the December 5th storm surge and previous storms,
figures are for Liverpool Gladstone Dock:
The storm surge on
December 5th 2013 was 1.25m, this was on top of a predicted height of
9.9m, making for an actual height of 11.15m. This equals the previous
highest recorded tide which was on February 27th 1990; that day saw a
storm surge of 1.15m added to a 10.0m predicted
height. According to records I've seen the previous
record high tides were in November 1977 and November 1905, which both
reached a height of 11.1m.
There was another big storm surge on
January 3rd this year (2014), the predicted height was 10.1m with a
surge of 0.8m, given an actual height of 10.9m. It seemed to me that
the difference at Burton Marsh between the Dec 5th and Jan 3rd tides
was greater than the Liverpool figure of 0.25m, and it is probable that
December tide was blown further over the marsh because the wind was
both stronger and blowing from the west rather than south west as on
Jan 3rd; my estimate was that the December tide was higher by about
0.5m at Burton.
Everyone knows about the great storm of
1953 which flooded East Anglia with devastating affect. But it didn't
seem to have been exceptionally high here in Liverpool Bay, presumably
what storm surge there was didn't coincide with high tide here so we
were spared the damaging floods. The wind direction was
also crucial that day being from the north as the low pressure
system tracked east, this resulted in the damaging surge down the North
Sea. In contrast, we normally only get storm surges in Liverpool Bay
when the wind
is between north-west and south-west.
Sources of Information:
1. National Oceanography Center - see
2. Reigate Grammar School Weather Station, see:
3. B. Stephenson, Pers. Comm., Jan 2014.
of Page
January Bird News
The tide wrack left by
the recent storm surges continued to be very attractive to the birds.
We thought the Buff-bellied Pipit had left on the last day of 2013 but
it was re-found by Steve Hinde up by Net's Cafe on the 9th, it then
flew back to the bottom of Station Road,
Marsh, and was
there for the rest of the month. Also there were at least one Siberian
Chiffchaff, at least one Wheatear, a Water Pipit, Stonechats and many
other small birds. At
Old Quay a good selection of birds on the 3rd included three Water
Pipits and a Lapland Bunting.
The 3rd saw another storm surge, not as high as Dec 5th but high enough
to completely cover
Marsh. Highlights that day were 12 Short-eared Owls (eight at
Parkgate, four at Burton), a Little Gull at
Wallasey Shore, at
least four Water Rails and a Great White Egret at
Parkgate, a Snow Bunting
Red Rocks and
over 1,000 Pintail off
The previous day there were 2,500 Pink-footed Geese on
Parkgate Marsh.
Good numbers of Twite were at the
Quay Reserve
with over 90 on the 1st the highest count. From
Hilbre was seen a huge
flock of 12,000 Scoter over towards the West Hoyle windfarm on the
18th, on the same day the highest count of Brent Geese was made with
230 and there was also a Great Northern Diver and Slavonian Grebe on
the sea, the latter was also recorded on the 4th with 84 Red-throated
Divers. 553 Great Crested Grebes off north Wirral on the 20th was
easily the highest count of the winter so far.
Hen Harrier over the
marshes, January 13th © Andy Davis
Richard Smith.
Many thanks go to John Elliott, Derek
Bates, Shaun
Hickey, Charles Farnell, Julie Rogers, Steve
Hinde, Geoff Shaw, Frank Burns, Tanny Robinson, Mark Gibson, Chris
Tynan, Dan
Trotman, Austin Morley, Colin Davies, Les Hall, Allan Conlin, Duncan
Crockett, Keith Scovell, Simon Smith, David
Haigh, Bernard East, Andy Davis, Julie Liversage, Sheila
Ryde, Steve Round, Jeremy
Bradshaw, James Everitt, Alan Hitchmough, Maurice Pons, John
Jakeman, Peter Newman, Steve Williams, Andy Thomas, Ray
Eades, Dave Edwards, Greg Harker, Sean O'Hara, Bruce
Atherton, Gail Wilson, Chris
Butterworth, Dave
Wild, Matt
Thomas, Jeff
Cohen, Colin
Schofield, Bernard Machin, Roy Lowry, Mark
Evans, Dave Edwards, Elliot Montieth, Alan Irving,
Richard Beckett, Chris Hancock, Paul Vautrinot, Simon Gough,
Gifford, Phillip Burgoyne, Tony Molloy, Dave Marland, Zoe Barrett,
Adrian Morgan, Scott Byrom, Norman Hallas, Gill Abbott, David Wilson,
Paul Lee, Lynne Leslie, High Stewart, Graham Connolly, Craig Wilson,
and Wirral Birding Blog, the
Estuary Wardens and the
Hilbre Bird
Observatory for their sightings during January. All
are gratefully received.
of Page
Some more spring tides
are due early in the month. As I write this on the last day of January
an intense low pressure system is heading our way so we would expect a
big tide on the 1st, although my guess is that as mainly southerly
winds are forecast it means it will be nothing exceptional as it will
be blowing out of the estuary, but it should still reach Parkgate. Look
out for Hen Harriers, Short-eared Owls, Water Rails and Pink-footed
Geese in particular.

We are well overdue for a still cold spell so if we do get one expect
an increase in wader numbers, especially Black-tailed Godwits, Knots
and Sanderlings. Also a spell of still weather will be good for
sea-watching, look out for large Common Scoter and Great Crested Grebe
flocks, as well as various divers, Scaup etc.
Some years see huge numbers of gulls along north Wirral in February, in
2013 we had around 20,000 for a short period. These are mostly Herring
Gulls but among them will be a handful of Mediterranean and
Yellow-legged Gulls, and maybe Caspian, Glaucous and even an American
Herring Gull.
Mild weather late in the month could see the return of some very early
spring migrants. A Sand Martin is the most likely with possibly a
Whimbrel or two.
of Page
see Tides
1st February, 12.00hrs (GMT), 10.2m.
2nd February, 12.45hrs (GMT), 10.2m.
3rd February, 13.29hrs (GMT), 10.0m.
1st March, 10.57hrs (GMT), 9.9m.
2nd March, 11.42hrs (GMT), 10.1m.
3rd March, 12.24hrs (GMT), 10.1m.
4th March, 13.06hrs (GMT), 9.9m.
Forthcoming Events
Organised by the Wirral
Ranger Service , Flintshire
Countryside Service, the
RSPB (Dee Estuary) and the Cheshire
Wildlife Trust:
All these events and walks have bird interest, even those not
advertised specifically for birdwatching. No need to book for these
events unless specified - please check below.
Also see 2014 Events Diary.
Skydancers on the Dee
- There are nine dates in February and March for this RSPB Event.
Most people have never seen a Hen Harrier, but once seen it is rarely
forgotten. The RSPB are pleased to bring you a series of events to
showcase these enigmatic birds of prey which use the marshes of the Dee
Estuary as their home for the winter months.
The name "Skydancer" comes from the aerobatic displays that the male
birds perform in their courtship ritual on the moors in the spring.
Sadly, this is becoming an increasingly rare sight; they are close to
becoming extinct as a breeding species in England, with not a single
successful nest this year.
along to
to find out more about the hen harrier story and what you can do to
help save them before it's too late! Look for the RSPB marquee along
the main promenade at Parkgate, where friendly staff and volunteers
will be on hand with telescopes and binoculars to show you these
beautiful, agile birds hunting over the marsh, and coming in to roost
there at dusk. Plenty of family activities and other RSPB information
will be available.
here for dates
and more details, or ring 0151 353 8478.
1st February, Sunday 2nd February, Monday
3rd February.
Parkgate High
Tide Watch.
Parkgate Marsh is one of the
best wetland habitats in the northwest, and when it is flooded by an
incoming Spring high tide, the wildlife which lives here is pushed
closer, potentially delivering an awe-inspiring spectacle. Join us at
Parkgate's Old Baths car park and the Donkey Stand near Nicholl's ice
cream shop, where we'll be set up with marquees and telescopes hoping
for the right weather conditions to really push the tide in.
You can expect great views of the large numbers of wintering wildfowl
and wading birds shifting around to avoid the rising water, whilst the
small mammals living on the marsh are flushed from cover, offering a
feeding frenzy for the kestrels, harriers and short-eared owls.
Car parking is limited on Parkgate promenade and at the Old Baths car
park, but the RSPB has arranged for extra free parking to be available
for visitors at Marsh Nurseries on Boathouse Lane (CH64 6RD) and the
Wirral Country Park car park on Station Road (CH64 6QJ).
It is recommended to
arrive at least one hour before high tide.
tide details: 1st Feb, 10.2m at noon;
2nd Feb, 10.2m at 12.45pm; 3rd Feb, 10.0m at 1.29pm.
Sunday 2nd February, 10.30am to 2pm.
Parkgate High
Tide Bird Watch.
This is a Guided Walk led by Ecologist and well know local
birder Jeff Clarke, and organised by the Cheshire Wildlife Trust
This event is
Booking is essential
- ring 01948820728 to book your place.
will concentrate on raptors, waders and wildfowl; with it being a 10.2m
tide we may see a Water Rail or two and possibly some small mammals
swimming for shore. In the nearby vicinity there will be many
other birds to see including Skylarks, Rock Pipits, finches and
possibly a few Scandinavian Thrushes. Once it reaches high
we will walk down to the Donkey stand Flash and look for roosting
Waterproof clothing and suitable walking footwear is recommended.
Meet at the Old Baths Car Park.
Sunday 2nd February, 1030am to 12.30pm, Winter Birds at
Royden Park.
the Ranger and spend some time looking at our resident winter birds and
gaining some hints on feeding and nest box locations.
Sorry no dogs.
Meet: Coach House/Court Yard at Royden Park.
Saturday 8th February 11:00am – 2:30pm
Take Tea on
with the RSPB
Walk across the
sands to Hilbre Island where the RSPB will be serving tea and biscuits
during the above date and time. They will be on hand to show
you the
island’s unique wildlife and will tell you about the work that the RSPB
are doing at their fantastic reserve at Burton Mere Wetlands.
There is
no need to book, just turn up. Suitable clothing and footwear
essential for the walk out and please note – this is not a guided
walk. Remember to bring money for the tea!
For further information, please telephone (0151) 648 4371.
Saturday 1st March, Sunday 2nd March, Monday 3rd March, Tuesday 4th
March, RSPB
High Tide Watch.
Marsh is one of the best wetland habitats in the northwest, and when it
is flooded by an incoming Spring high tide, the wildlife which lives
here is pushed closer, potentially delivering an awe-inspiring
spectacle. Join us at the Donkey Stand on The Parade, where we'll be
set up with our marquee and telescopes hoping for the right weather
conditions to really push the tide in.
You can expect great views
of the large numbers of wintering wildfowl and waders shifting around
to avoid the rising water, whilst the small mammals living on the marsh
are flushed from cover, offering a feeding frenzy for the kestrels,
harriers and short-eared owls.
It is recommended to
arrive at least one hour before high tide.
tide details: 1st Mar, 9.9m at 10.57am;
2nd Mar, 10.1m at 11.42am; 3rd Mar, 10.1m at 12.24pm; 4th Mar, 9.9m at
Saturday 1st March – 9:00am start - high tide 10.41am.
High Tide Birdwatch at
the Coastal Rangers, the Dee Estuary Voluntary Wardens and the RSPB to
see the large numbers of wading birds on Hoylake beach. With
rising tide, we should see the birds at close quarters as they roost
and feed. Beginners welcome. Dress warmly and bring
binoculars if you have them.
Meet on the promenade at King's Gap, Hoylake.
For further information, contact the Coastal Rangers on 0151 648 4371.
Wednesday 5th March, 11am to 2pm, Waders on the Dee - a guided walk
Heswall and
Thurstaston shore.
This is a Guided Walk led by Ecologist and well know local
birder Jeff Clarke, and organised by the Cheshire Wildlife Trust
This event is
Booking is essential
- ring 01948820728 to book your place.
Road is where the marsh meets the mud and as consequence it has a great
variety of waders to enjoy. Lapwings and Golden Plovers roost on the
edge of the marsh, Common Redshanks fill the gutters and muddy banks,
and Dunlins and Knots stitch the muddy areas along deep probing
specialists like the Black Tailed Godwit. In addition the area is good
for wildfowl and we may see Common Snipe flushed from cover.
Meet at Banks Road car park (near Sheldrakes Restaurant).
14th March
Wildlife a local group of Cheshire Wildlife Trust
‘2013 - A Shorebird Summer’
Room B, Heswall Hall, Heswall, 7.30 p.m.
talk by Matt Thomas, local
Ranger and photographer, about his exploits in Norway and Iceland.
For some years Matt has been contributing sightings of colour ringed
waders he’s seen on the Dee Estuary to research projects based in
Norway and Iceland. In the summer of 2013 he was invited to join
expeditions to these countries to see where his Dee birds where coming
from. In the lands of the midnight sun he found much more to photograph
than those colour ringed birds!
Admission £3. All welcome.
The Cheshire
Wildlife Trust
have a series of events throughout Cheshire and Wirral, in
2014 this includes a talk by Springwatch presenter and Welsh wildlife
Williams. See
for details.