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March Newsletter now published on this website featuring Highlights from March 2024 to Feb 2025, Colour Ring Report and February Bird News.
Newsletters going back to March 1998 can be read, they are indexed both month by month and by subject matter.

March 24
1 Little Ringed Plover - Burton Mere Wetlands.
14 Chiffchaff singing along Wirral Way this morning - Heswall/Thurstaston.
5 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.

March 23
1 Osprey heading N at 0950hrs over Heswall fields and the Dungeon wood.
14 Sand Martin over reedbed - Gronant.
1 Garganey (male) - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Sandwich Tern, 1 Little Gull and 5 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
1 Willow Warbler singing - Ness.
1 Little Ringed Plover on Kerr's Field - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Water Pipit (moulting into s/pl). 4 Avocet and 3 Ruff - Denhall Quay.
2 Short-eared Owl and 3 Stonechat (males) - West Kirby Marsh/Dunes/golf course.

March 22
1 Willow Warbler *first of spring* - Thornton Hough.
1 Little Ringed Plover on Kerr's Field still with 3 White Wagtail, also 7+ Wheatear in coastal paddocks and 1 Swallow over - Leasowe Lighthouse.
18 Little Gull and 35 Gannet - Hilbre.
15+ Twite - Flint Dock.
2 White Wagtail on beach - Hoylake.
72 Golden Plover - Heswall Shore.

March 21
1 Black Redstart this morning, also 333 Brent Geese and good passage of 300 Meadow Pipit - Hilbre.
1 Little Ringed Plover on Kerr's Field this afternoon, also 6+ Wheatear in coastal paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3 Ruff and 1 Green Sandpiper - Neston Marsh.
4 Wheatear in sheep pens - Burton Marsh.

March 20
1 Puffin off East Hoyle Bank then flew west, this morning - Hilbre.
1 Little Stint - Flint Marsh.
1 White Wagtail - Leasowe Gunsite.

March 19
1 Black Scoter and 1 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
3 Wheatear and 1 White Wagtail in coastal paddocks and 8 Brent Goose on the shore, passage of Wood Pigeon over in several flocks 250+ in total - Leasowe Lighthouse.

March 18
1 Black Scoter off East Hoyle Bank, 1 Wheatear (male) on rocks by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
8,000 Dunlin and 5,500 Knot on East Hoyle Bank - Hilbre.

March 17
50+ Redwing in paddocks along Park Lane, also 1 Greenshank and 8 Brent Geese near groyne - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Little Stint off Sandhey Slipway this afternoon - Meols Shore.

March 16
1 Black Scoter and 5 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
12 Twite in trees at high tide just north of Flint Castle.

March 15
1 Black Scoter and 5 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank, 1 Little Stint on the shore - Hoylake.
28 Red-breasted Merganser and 12 Great Crested Grebe over high tide - Heswall Shore.
12,000 Common Scoter and 260 Sanderling - Hilbre.

March 13
1 Black Scoter and 1 Velvet Scoter off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.

March 12
1 Black Scoter, 4 Scaup and 1 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.

March 11
1 Black Scoter and 7 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
2 Red Kite and 6 Avocet off Old Baths - Parkgate.

March 10
1 Black Scoter, 1 Velvet Scoter and 5 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
1 Swallow *first of spring* - Point of Ayr.
10 Twite on marsh - Flint Castle.

Mar 9
1 Black Scoter and 5 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank this morning - Hoylake.
1 Red Kite over coastal paddocks at 0955, 2 Greenshank in the gutter, 1 Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.
6 Avocet off Old Baths, 4 Great White Egret, 1 Bittern late afternoon - Parkgate.
2 Russian White Fronted Geese, still in field with Greylags - Thornton Hough.
5 Grey Wagtail, 6 White Wagtail and 325 Brent Geese - Hilbre.

Mar 8
1 Wheatear *first of spring* seven days earlier than last year, on sea embankment - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 White Wagtail *first of spring* and 1 Wheatear - Hilbre.
1 Black Scoter and 5 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank this morning - Hoylake.

Mar 7
4 Long-tailed Duck on the sea - Hoylake.

Mar 6
1 Black Scoter seen at 8am with Common Scoters off East Hoyle Bank this morning, north of Lifeboat Station, also 3 Long-tailed Duck  - Hoylake.
2 Sand Martin heading NE *first of spring* - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Russian White Fronted Geese, still in field with Greylags - Thornton Hough.
1 Red Kite over - Irby.

Mar 5
2 Snow Bunting over this morning heading SW - Hilbre.
1 Greenshank still in gutter - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Black Scoter off East Hoyle Bank this morning - Hoylake.

Mar 4
1 Bittern showing from reedbed screen, also 1 Woodcock, 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Green Sandpiper, 180 Golden Plover, 2 Cattle Egret and 38 Avocet - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Russian White Fronted Geese, still in field with Greylags - Thornton Hough.

Mar 3
1 Bittern showing from reedbed screen  - Burton Mere Wetlands.
3 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
370 Brent Geese and 6 Eider - Hilbre.

Mar 2
800 Pink-footed Geese headed north at dawn, also 5 Eider and 6 Goosander - Hilbre.
2 Little Stint flew from Meols to Hoylake on flooding tide.
1 Green Sandpiper on marsh at bottom of Station road - Burton Marsh.
15 Twite on marsh - Flint Castle.
1 Jack Snipe flushed by tide - West Kirby marsh.

Mar 1
5 Long-tailed Duck on the sea - Hoylake.
1 Snow Bunting in the dunes - Gronant.
2 Goldeneye - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Bittern - Burton Mere Wetlands.
27 Purple Sandpiper, 400 Sanderling, 240 Brent Geese and 6,000 Common Scoter - Hilbre.

Feb 28
1 Little Stint at high tide - Hoylake.

Feb 27
1 Little Stint by Sandhey slipway - Meols.
2 White Wagtail in coastal paddocks *first of spring* - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Feb 26
Good Stonechat passage today:
9 Stonechat - Parkgate Marsh.
9 Stonechat off Riverbank Road - Heswall Marsh.
c10,000 Knot feeding on East Hoyle Bank about an hour after high tide - Meols.

Feb 25
3 Purple Sandpiper, 180 Redshank, 90 Turnstone and 15 Dunlin - New Brighton Marine Lake.

Feb 24
15 Twite on marsh - Flint Castle.

Feb 23
6+ Stonechat - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Feb 22
25 Redwing in paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3,600 Pink-footed Geese roosted overnight - Heswall Marsh.
10,000+ Knot - Thurstaston Shore.
1 Bittern flew towards Neston Reedbed at dusk - Parkgate.
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Burton Mere Wetlands.
120+ Jackdaw over - Hoylake Langfields.

Feb 21
14 Avocet on main scrape, also 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Burton Mere Wetlands.
12 Brent Geese - Leasowe Bay.

Feb 20
1 Bitern flew towards Neston Reedbed at 6pm - Parkgate.
2 White-fronted Geese (Russian race), with greylags in field just south of A5137, south west of  Brimstage.

Feb 19
1 Purple Sandpiper by the embankment close to several Turnstones - Leasowe Bay.
6 Stonechat in coastal paddocks with several more along the embankment - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Little Stint - Meols Shore.

Feb 18
2 White-fronted Geese (Russian race), with greylags in field just south of A5137, south west of  Brimstage.
2 Little Gull (adults), 1 Razorbill, 3 Red-throated Diver, 500 Common Scoter and 40 Great Crested Grebe over high tide - Leasowe Gunsite.

Feb 17
2 White-fronted Geese (Russian race), with greylags in field just south of A5137, south west of  Brimstage
1 Merlin and 2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male) late afternoon, also 4 Great White Egret and 4 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.

Feb 16
2 White-fronted Geese (Russian race), with greylags in field just south of A5137, south west of  Brimstage, this afternoon 3 Great White Egret flew over the field!

Feb 15
2 White-fronted Geese (Russian race), with greylags in field by Talbot Avenue (off A5137), south west of  Brimstage.
1 Little Stint by Sandhey Slipway on ebbing tide, also 1 Peregrine sitting on East Hoyle Bank for about an hour - Meols.
1 Red Kite and 1 Hen Harrier (grey male) - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
500 Black-tailed Godwit busy feeding in big field next to Pump Lane - Greasby.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male) - Parkgate.

Feb 14
2 White-fronted Geese (Russian race), with greylags - Thornton Hough.

Feb 12
c800 Jackdaw flew into roost at old RAF site - West Kirby.
2 Hen Harrier - Gronant.

Feb 11
150 Golden Plover on marsh seen from Burton Point.

Feb 10
1 Greenshank in the channel - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Feb 9
830 Pink-footed Geese, 16 Brent Geese, 2 Dabchick, 215 Golden Plover, 18 Ringed Plover, 5000 Dunlin, 4000 Knot, 52 Turnstone, 840 Curlew, 230 Bar-tailed Godwit, 85 Black-tailed Godwit, 860 Redshank over high tide - Thurstaston.

Feb 8
1 Caspian Gull (1st winter) at river mouth, 4 Water Pipit on salt marsh and 1 Long-tailed Duck (fem) offshore - Gronant.
1 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
2 White-fronted Geese (Russian) with large number of Pink-footed Geese - Burton Marsh.
2 Cattle Egret in field off Lees Lane - Little Neston.
3 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail) flew into roost at dusk, also 1 Merlin and 1 Barn Owl - Parkgate.

Feb 7
1 Short-eared Owl - Irby.

Feb 6
2 Hen Harrier over reedbed - Gronant.

Feb 5
16 Twite on marsh - Flint Castle.
1 Black Redstart (male) at Fort Perch - New Brighton.

Feb 4
1 Little Stint at high tide - Hoylake.
1 Black Redstart (male) at Fort Perch - New Brighton.

Feb 3
6 Marsh Harrier (in air together), 550+ Black-tailed Godwit, 1,600 Lapwing and 2,000+ Pink-footed Geese - Neston/Burton Marsh.
3 Marsh Harrier and 2,300 Lapwing - Parkgate.
385 Brent Geese - Hilbre.

Feb 2
1 Little Stint (also off Meols before high tide), 20,000 Knot and 3,000+ Dunlin at high tide with 935 Bar-tailed Godwit which dropped down on the ebbing tide -  Hoylake.
2 Merlin, 5 Marsh Harrier and 8 Great White Egret - Neston Marsh.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) - Parkgate.
2 Goldeneye (m&f) - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Riverbank Road, Heswall.

Feb 1
1 Little Stint seen at Hoylake. at high tide and Meols on ebbing tide.
248 Brent Geese - West Kirby Shore.

Jan 31
580 Shelduck, 190 Pintail, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 1 Peregrine, 8 Common Snipe, 2 Jack Snipe, 2 Water Rail, 170 Skylark off Target Road on incoming tide - Heswall Shore.
1 Little Stint by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ribgtail) - Parkgate.

Jan 30
1 Little Stint just west of Lifeboat Station at high tide and spotted on the ebbing tide off Sandhey slipway (off tennis courts) - Meols.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) - Parkgate.

Jan 29
1 Black Redstart (male) at Fort Perch - New Brighton.
1 Short-eared Owl - Burton Marsh.

Jan 28
1 Little Stint off Sandhey slipway this morning - Meols.
1 Black Redstart (male) at Fort Perch this morning - New Brighton.

Jan 27
1 Little Stint off Sandhey slipway this morning before flushed by dog walker - Meols.
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail), 3 Marsh Harrier and 1 Merlin - Parkgate.
1 Black Redstart (male) at Fort Perch this afternoon - New Brighton.

Jan 26
237 Golden Plover and 660 Bar-tailed Godwit this morning - Heswall Shore.
16 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.

Jan 25
1 Greenshank by groyne and 25 Brent Geese on the shore off Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Goldeneye (m&f), 2 Goosander, 1 Red-breasted Merganser and 1 Little Grebe - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Black Redstart (male) seen briefly at Fort Perch before flying into the town - New Brighton.
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail), 2 Marsh Harrier, 60 Golden Plover and 1 Barn Owl - Parkgate.

Jan 24
1 Black Redstart (male) by Fort Perch - New Brighton.

Jan 23
1 Short-eared Owl, 2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male) and 60+ Golden Plover - Parkgate.
2 Goldeneye (m&f) but flew inland, and 1 Little Grebe (present for several days) - West Kirby Marine Lake.

 Jan 22
1 Black Redstart (male) by Fort Perch - New Brighton.

Jan 20
2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and male) flew into roost this evening - Parkgate.

Jan 19
1 Black Redstart (male) by Fort Perch, showing well - New Brighton.
2 Goldeneye -West Kirby Marine Lake.

Jan 18
1 Black Redstart (male) on Fort Perch, flew inland for a while this morning before returning - New Brighton.
1 Hen Harrier (male) early morning, 5+ Marsh Harrier and 2,800 Lapwing (flushed by the Marsh Harriers) - Parkgate.

Jan 17
1 Black Redstart (male) on Fort Perch, above main gate - New Brighton.
430+ Great Crested Grebe at high tide - Meols.

Jan 16
c20 Twite on marsh - Flint Castle.
14+ Red-throated Diver and 3 Red-breasted Merganser off East Hoyle Bank before high tide - Hoylake.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) and 60 Golden Plover - Parkgate Old Baths.
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail), 1 fem Marsh Harrier, 1 Peregrine and 1 Great White Egret at high tide - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
A large undisturbed wader roost today at high tide - 11,000+ Knot, 9,000+ Dunlin, 2000+ Oystercatcher, 1,000+ Grey Plover, 1,000+ Redshank and c400 Sanderling - Hoylake.

Jan 15
10,000+ Knot feeding on the shore before high tide - Meols.
2 Green Sandpiper and 1 Hen Harrier (grey male) - Neston Reedbed/ Sewage Works.

Jan 14
2 Hen Harrier (males) and 4 Greenshank - Parkgate Old Baths.
1 Little Stint - Hoylake.

Jan 13
2 Hen Harrier (males) - Parkgate Old Baths.
1 Siberian Chiffchaff - Neston Sewage Works.

Jan 12
27 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
1 Siberian Chiffchaff with c8 Chiffchaff, also 1 Green Sandpiper - Neston Sewage Works.
1 White-fronted Goose (probably Russian race), with Pink-footed Geese - Burton Point.
1 Hen Harrier ( grey male) - Parkgate.
Good cold weather movement of Redwings over past few days including 52 in field by Target Road sewage works - Heswall.
11+ Marsh Harrier and 1 Bittern flew into roost, 7 Great White Egret flew south to roost at Burton, this evening - Neston Reedbed.
1 Shag, 3 Goldeneye, 3 Red-breasted Merganser and 11 Goosander -West Kirby Marine Lake.
5 Woodcock flew out of roost at dusk - Pasture Road, Leasowe.

Jan 11
1 Siberian Chiffchaff with c8 Chiffchaff, also 1 Jack Snipe - Neston Sewage Works.
4 Goldeneye and 25 Goosander -West Kirby Marine Lake.
10 Whooper Swan flying north - West Kirby Shore.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male) - Parkgate.

Jan 10
2 Goldeneye and 12+ Goosander -West Kirby Marine Lake.

Jan 9
1 Black Redstart (male) on tideline debris immeadiately west of Fort Perch - New Brighton.

Jan 8
2 Goldeneye (m&f) - West Kirby Marine Lake
10,000 Knot just off Caldy steps at mid-day - Caldy Shore.
1 Water Pipit, 28 Skylark, 5 Grey Wagtail, 4 Green Sandpiper, 2 Peregrine, 1 Merlin, 7 Great White Egret, 11 Marsh Harrier and 35 Shoveler - Neston Marsh.
1 Water Pipit, 1 Green Sandpiper, 2 Grey Wagtail and 9 Chiffchaff - Neston Sewage Works.
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Parkgate.

Jan 7
Large number of Redwings and Fieldfares in field behind Old Baths - Parkgate.
c20 Twite on saltmarsh - Flint Castle.
1 Hen Harrier - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Jan 5
325 Brent Geese - Hilbre.

Jan 4
20 Whooper Swan - Burton Marsh.
225 Golden Plover, 1 Greenshank and 320 Pintail before high tide - Heswall Shore.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) and 1 Spotted Redshank on the marsh, 1 Water Pipit by stream and 2 Green Sandpiper near the sewage works - Neston Marsh/Old Quay.
1 Water Pipit in field behind Bunker hide - Burton Mere Wetlands,
3 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon - New Brighton Marine Lake.
4 Hen Harrier (1 ad male, 1 imm male, 2 ringtail), 8+ Marsh Harrier, 2 Peregrine, 1 Merlin, 4 Great White Egret and 2 Greenshank - Parkgate.
7 Eider, 300 Brent Geese, 4,000 Knot and 120 Turnstone - Hilbre.

Jan 2
8 Woodcock flew out of Pasture Road roost at dusk - Leasowe.
2 Greenshank, 2 Gadwall, 55 Teal, 30 Wigeon, 18 Shoveler and 250 Lapwing on flooded fields - Leasowe Lighthouse.
5 Great White Egret and 25+ Shoveler - Parkgate.

Jan 1
4 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon at high tide - New Brighton Marine Lake.
6,000 Knot roosting before high tide - Meols.
31 Goosander flew high toward Hilbre - Hoylake Shore.