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Rare Birds in
Cheshire & Wirral. |
Rare Birds In Cheshire & Wirral Allan Conlin and Steve Williams, the authors of the booklet 'Rare Birds in Cheshire & Wirral' (see review), have kindly agreed to let me print an extract in this newsletter. I have picked three species which have been seen at least once in the Dee Estuary region. Hope this gives you a feel of this most useful and interesting publication. See end of this article for details of how to purchase this booklet. Long-billed
Dowitcher A summer plumaged bird
was present at the Weaver Bend between 8th and 13th August A winter plumaged bird was seen at Frodsham Marsh, on various tanks, on 19th February 1999. Presumably the same bird was then seen, in partial summer plumage, on 5th, 10th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 22nd and 23rd April 1999. Inner Marsh Farm RSPB Reserve struck again when one was found on 10th November 2002. This bird overwintered, probably on the Dee Marshes and was seen intermittently at Inner Marsh Farm RSPB Reserve, on 28th to 31st January 2003 and 10th March to 21st April 2003, during which time it attained summer plumage.
Ed: As I write this newsletter another bird is at Inner Marsh Farm (see photo above). This time a juvenile which arrived 12th October 2005 and seen nearly every day until at least the end of the month. Marsh Sandpiper
A moulting adult was at Altrincham Sewage Farm from 10th to 13th August 1952 and was also seen, on 13th, at Frodsham. The second record for Cheshire and Wirral came 38 years later! Another adult was at Pump House Flash, Sandbach on both 20th and 21st May 1990. Another wait of 12
years ended with the arrival of a bird, previously seen in Yorkshire, at
Inner Marsh Farm RSPB Reserve on 21st July 2002; it was seen until 29th July
but went missing for long periods. Laughing Gull These were followed by
a second winter found at Latchford Lock, Warrington on 21st The fourth record was one at Houghton Green Pool on 12th January 1997. Finally, the most
recent record concerns an individual at West Kirby beach on 2nd October Note: For copyright reasons the photographs shown here are not the same as those in the booklet. The booklet can be obtained by sending a cheque for £6.00 (inc p&p) to 'CAW Birding' at: 2 Westbourne Road, West Kirby, Wirral, Merseyside, CH48 4DG. For more information about this book please ring Allan Conlin on 07791274837. |
October Bird News |
magical birds, Leach's Petrels, turned up at the start of the month. With
a strong west wind veering through NW during the day their appearance
wasn't unexpected but it was surprising quite how many appeared
considering there hadn't been a prolonged gale and it was well past the
prime time of mid-September. But probably the weather conditions out in
the Atlantic off the west coat of Scotland is crucial and there had
certainly been some gales out there the previous few days. It is highly
likely that these late birds breed on islands off Canada rather than
Scotland. Numbers in Canada are huge in comparison and it is known that
many cross the Atlantic before heading south for the winter. On Oct 1st we
had them coming through most of the day with the peak in the two hours
after high tide. Max recorded was over 100 at
Hilbre and 93 past Leasowe Lighthouse.
The latter appears to have been the best spot with petrels so close some
were flying over the concrete sea wall (also see
Leach's Petrel Species Spotlight). On the same day a Grey Phalarope
flew past and landed in front of Steve Round's camera by the lighthouse.
Probably what was the same bird turned up a couple of days later on the
Marine Lake at New Brighton giving many
people an excellent chance to see this bird.
Sea-watching was good for most of the month with a Pomarine and an Arctic Skua on the 1st, also up to six eiders (including 4 drakes) and a Shag off Hilbre. On the 15th we had 200 Gannets, the highest numbers in October for at least 20 years. Gannets were still going past right to the end of the month, last year we had our last sighting on Oct 5th! No doubt it was the prolonged southerly wind holding the birds up, this also meant there were plenty of auks around with at least 100 on 29th, mostly Guillemots. A Slavonian Grebe was reported off Hilbre on the 18th and a Black-throated Diver just off West Kirby Shore the next day. The S to SE wind which lasted for all of the second half of the month meant for some great visible migration. There was a good passage through Inner Marsh Farm on the 19th including a Ring Ouzel plus numerous thrushes and finches. The best day seems to have been on the 26th when there was movement south-east along the west Wirral coast all day, there must have been at least 4,000 Fieldfares and 4,000 Chaffinches plus numerous other species going through; a spectacular sight for those lucky enough to see it. There was also a good passage of Stonechats mid-month with four by Leasowe Lighthouse, and five both at Leasowe Gunsite and Inner Marsh Farm, all on the 16th. It must have been a good month when I've almost come to the end of the monthly bird news without mentioning the star bird! This was a juvenile Long-billed Dowitcher which was first seen at Inner Marsh Farm on the 12th and stayed until the end of the month. The Long-billed Dowitcher is an American wader and this is the eight record for Cheshire and Wirral (see article and photo above). Four Hen Harriers were coming in to roost regularly at Parkgate by the end of the month, this is a good number for so early in the winter. 112 Little Egrets were counted leaving the Burton roost on the 13th, yet another record. An Avocet paid a brief visit to the Connah's Quay Reserve on the 17th where there have been around 5,000 Black-tailed Godwit all month. At nearby Flint there have been huge numbers of Pintail in the channel, I counted about 6,000 along with 2,000 Wigeon on the 20th. Hilbre had eight Brent Geese by the end of the month. Good numbers of Sanderling all month with max 550 at Hoylake and 700 at West Kirby.
Other highlights include a long-staying drake Green-winged Teal, 2 Little Stint and 3 Curlew Sandpiper all at Inner Marsh Farm. Single Yellow-browed Warblers were seen on Hilbre and in a Hoylake garden. What to expect in November Hen Harriers and Short-eared Owls will be the main feature on the marshes. Apparently breeding Hen Harriers have done comparatively well in England this year so it will be interesting to see if this is reflected in an increase in birds spending the winter here. We've had a maximum of five over the past couple of winters after a few poor years, including two years when none were present. Dunlin and Knot numbers should increase over the month, particularly if we get a cold spell. Point of Ayr, Hoylake and West Kirby are important high tide roosts with the mudflats off Leasowe and Thurstaston the main feeding areas. Any of these areas can be spectacular when peak numbers are present, particularly so when a Peregrine starts hunting. Brent Geese hit record numbers last winter with a max of 63, peak numbers tend to occur in late winter but by the end of November we could get around 40, mainly of the pale-bellied race. Bewick's Swans will also increase during the month with perhaps 50 or so on Burton Marsh and Inner Marsh Farm. Most winters we get a few Snow Buntings, either along the north Wirral coast, Hilbre or the Point of Ayr/Gronant area. If we are very lucky may be we will get a Shore Lark or two as well. Many thanks go to David Leeming, Bernard Machin, Mike Baron, Alan Jupp, Allan Hewitt, Frank Huband, David Esther, Dave and Emma Kenyon, Colin Schofield, John Campbell, Mark McBride, Matt Thomas, Dave Burt, Heather White, Neil Burns, Graham Jones, Charlie Fletcher, Clive Ashton, Pete Rogers, Paul Rutter, David Haigh, Stuart Lawrie, Colin Jones, Peter Williams, Charles Farnell, Steve Williams, Chris Butterworth, Stephen Ainsworth, Dave Harrington, Jane Turner, Allan Conlin, Mike Hart, Mal Smerdon, Dave Wilde, Andrew Jennings, Tanny Robinson, Steve Rodgers, John Boswell, Mark O'Sullivan, Steve Roberts, Colin Wells, Steve Round, Iain Douglas, John and Andrew Morris, Paul Vautrinot, Neil Friswell, Kevin Smith, the Dee Estuary Voluntary Wardens and the Hilbre Bird Observatory for their sightings during October. All sightings are gratefully received. |
Forthcoming Events |
NEW - Wirral's Parks and Countryside
Events and Activities Newsletter (Winter Edition) is now out. This is now
a glossy publication full of great photographs including one on the front
cover of a mass of Oystercatchers in flight. You can pick up a free copy
from the Visitor Centre, Thurstaston Country Park.
November Highest Spring Tides,
also see
Tides page. Forthcoming Events (organised by the
Wirral Ranger Service,
Flintshire Countryside Service and/or the RSPB): Saturday 5th November, 10:30am, High Tide at
Point of Ayr. Sunday 6th November, 10:30am - 2pm, Discover
Heaths and Woods. Saturday 19th November, 8am - 9.30am, Super Seaducks. Saturday 19th November, 10:00am, Banks Road Birdwatch at
Heswall. Saturday 3rd December, 9:30am, Flint
High Tide Birdwatch. Saturday 3rd December, 10:00am - 3pm,
Connah's Quay Reserve
Open Day.. Note: Many of these forthcoming events are extracted from the 'Birdwatchers Diary 2005', which covers both the Dee and Mersey regions. Hard copies available from the visitor centre at Thurstaston, Wirral Country Park 0151 648 4371. All material in this newsletter, and indeed the whole web site, has been written by myself, Richard Smith, unless specified.
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