So far 2013 has been an excellent one for Manx Shearwaters. As you can
see from the graph below even before the record breaking weekend of
June 22nd/23rd this April to June has seen significantly more birds on
more days than the previous four years.

The second half of June is often a peak
time for Manx Shearwaters as it is at this time that they are
incubating eggs and the partner which isn't on the nest typically is
away three to five days - ample time for them to reach Liverpool Bay
from their breeding colonies. So when the wind went round to WSW and
blowing force 6 to 7 on Saturday June 22nd I knew there was a good
chance of lots of 'Manxies'. I wasn't disappointed and nearly
1,000 were counted from
Hoylake shore, a very high count for Wirral. The next day the wind had
increased to force 7 to 8 and, perhaps significantly, the direction had
moved to WNW. The birds were streaming past in large numbers all day,
vast majority from east to west, and the total counted was over 5,000
from Hilbre and 3,000 from Hoylake, the count from Hilbre being the
highest ever recorded from Hilbre/Wirral. With their fast flight and up
and down glides they are an exciting bird to see at any time, but to
see so many was just fantastic!
Very large numbers of Manx Shearwaters
breed in the Irish Sea with well over 50% of the world's
population. Our nearest breeding colony is at Bardsey Island (off the
Lleyn Peninsula in North Wales), a rapid increase in breeding birds at
the end of the 20th century means there are currently around 12,500
pairs there, with possibly as many as 15,000 pairs. Across the Irish
just south of Belfast Lough, 3,000 pairs breed on the Copeland Islands.
But by far the largest colonies are on the Pembrokeshire islands of
Skomer and Skokholm, a recent count on Skomer shows that
on this island are increasing with an enormous 316,000 pairs, plus
there are about 50,000 pairs on Skokholm.
Work by Ronald Lockley in the mid 20th
century suggested that, at that
time, most birds from Skomer and Skokholm flew south to forage off
Brittany and in the Bay of Biscay rather than north into the Irish Sea.
However, some fascinating recent research, involving fitting Skomer
birds with GPS tracking devices, has found that they must have changed
their foraging area as the Irish Sea now appears to be their favourite
feeding location. There is something called the Western Irish Sea Front
(an area just to the west and south of the Isle of Man where two areas
of water meet) which is rich in fish and many of the tracked birds
visited here. None of them reached Liverpool Bay but apparently there
is sometimes one of these fish rich Sea Fronts here as well and may be
is what is bringing the large numbers here this year. It seems more
than likely that we see birds from all four colonies and with
breeding birds still increasing we can expect to continue to see good
size numbers, but the wind strength and direction no doubt plays a
large part in determining exactly how close the huge Irish Sea flocks
come to the coast. Interestingly, a year ago on June 22nd 2012, there
was a Force
8 gale blowing from WSW, yet only 81 Manx Shearwaters were recorded
that day - so there are definitely more around our part of the Irish
Sea this year for whatever reason. The bar for 2013 in the graph above
is, of course, for this year so far. July is often quite quiet but by
August numbers should pick up again. It would be remarkable if that
record count in June was exceeded this summer, but you never
1. Lockley, R.M. (1953) On the
movements of the Manx Shearwater at sea during the breeding season.
British Birds 46:1-48.
2. Bardsey Bird and Field Observatory
Report 2010.
3. Copeland Bird Observatory
4. Chris M. Perrins,
al, A whole-island census of the Manx Shearwaters
Puffinus puffinus
breeding on Skomer Island in 2011,
SEABIRD 25 (2012): 1-13.
5. Guilford, T.C.,
al, GPS Tracking of the foraging movements of
Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus breeding on Skomer Island, Wales.
Ibis 150(3):462-473, 2008.
6. K. Lees and S. Mackinson, An Ecopath model of the Irish Sea,
Technical Report no. 138, Cefas.
7. Species Spotlight - Manx Shearwater,
Estuary Newsletter June 2007.
Hilbre Bird
Observatory Blog.
9. Cheshire and Wirral Bird Reports (CAWOS) - 1985 to 2011.
10. Dee Estuary Birding website,
Sightings and Archive.
Richard Smith.
of Page
June Bird News
Summer plumaged Spotted Redshanks at Burton Mere
Wetlands,June 26th © Austin Morley.
Gales on the weekend of
the 22nd and 23rd certainly brought in large numbers of Manx
Shearwaters as described in the above article. Other highlights that
weekend were 38 Fulmars off
Hoylake, three Arctic Skuas at both
Hoylake and
New Brighton and three
Great Skuas flying over
Eye, but only one Storm Petrel seen. A Black
Guillemot was recorded off both
Red Rocks
early in the month. Numbers of terns and gulls had not yet built up by
the end of the month but four Mediterranean Gulls at
Heswall on the 24th was
a sign of things to come. A rare Roseate Tern was at
New Brighton on the
24th. Over 500 Common Scoters off
was an unexpected record for June, they were a long way out but I'm not
surprised as whenever I'm at Gronant in the summer I have always seen a
lot flying past there in flocks of around 50. These will be
non-breeding birds, of course, but they are only rarely recorded off
north Wirral in the summer.
Talking of terns there was some good news at the
Shotton Common Tern
colony where about 300 pairs are breeding for the first time
since 2008. The Little Terns at
Gronant were hard hit
by the gales mentioned above, it wasn't so much the strong wind but
rather the coincident spring tides pushed in by the gales which flooded
some nests. Hopefully they can still have a good breeeding season and
I'll let you have the news on this next month. An unexpected visitor
this month was a Short-eared Owl seen on several days.
There were several Red Kite records, including two over
Dungeon Woods, Thurstaston,
on the 21st plus several sighting of one near
Ness Gardens. A Marsh
Harrier was at
Burton Mere
Wetlands on the 18th.
Stonechat near Leasowe Ligthouse, June
© Jeremy Bradshaw.
Stonechats bred succesfully near Leasowe Lightouse, male photographed
above. A Pectoral Sandpiper was recorded on several dates mid-month
Burton Mere
Wetlands and there were up to six Spotted Redshanks there,
plus a Greenshank at
on the 16th. 450 Black-tailed Godwits on
Donkey Stand Flash, Parkgate,
on Jun 20th was a nice high count of this over-summering flock.
Presumably due to the cold weather earlier on this year there have been
fewer Great White Egrets compared with 2012, but one was on
Heswall Marsh on the
18th. A Corn Bunting was at
a good record for this increasingly rare bird.
Richard Smith.
Many thanks go to Greg
Harker, Malcolm Segeant, Steve Hinde, Steve Hasell, David Harrington,
Bradshaw, Mike Buckley, Alan Hitchmough,
Steve Williams, Ray
Eades, Adrian Hibbert, Bruce
Atherton, Chris
Butterworth, Jane Turner, Andy Thomas, Dave
Wild, Matt
Thomas, Jeff
Cohen, Colin
Schofield, Richard Steel, David Small,David Leeming,
Ken Mullins, Dave Edwards, Graham Connolly, Charles Farnell, Keith
Scovell, Austin Morley, Shaun Hicky, Steve Knowmexx, Eddie Williams,
Rob Morsley, Andrew Ingham, Chris Werney, Andrew Davies, Phil Gibson,
Peter Haslem, Mark Evans, Rob Bodels, Tony Quinn, M Pons, Jon Clarke,
Estuary Wardens and the
Hilbre Bird
Observatory for their sightings during June. All
are gratefully received.
What to expect in July
I always look forward to
July as it
sees the return of Sandwich Terns to the estuary in large numbers. They
are the first tern species to finish breeding and come here with this
year's fledglings for a few weeks before heading south, they fill the
estuary with their raucous cries. Common Terns will also be present in
good numbers but they don't usually peak until August, whilst the
Little Tern breeding season won't be over until early next month.
numbers will increase dramatically and will include a few
Mediterranean Gulls looking stunning in their breeding plumage. Out to
sea will be Arctic Skuas harrasing all those terns, as well as good
numbers of Gannets and, if we get strong winds, many Manx Shearwaters
and hopefully some Storm Petrels.
Waders also return this
month, specially the fresh water loving species such as Common
Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank and Spotted
Redshank. Rare waders which have been recorded this month over the past
few years have included a Lesser Yellowlegs and Terek Sandpiper.
of Page
Forthcoming Events
July Highest
Spring Tides (Liverpool)
see Tides
23rd July, 12.17hrs (BST), 9.5m.
24th July, 13.05hrs (BST), 9.6m.
25th July, 13.51hrs (BST), 9.5m.
Forthcoming Events
Organised by the Wirral
Ranger Service , Flintshire Countryside Service and/or the
All these events and walks have bird interest, even those not
advertised specifically for birdwatching. No need to book for these
events unless specified - please check below.
Also see 2013 Events Diary.
Saturday 6th July
6:30pm – 9:30pm
Sunset and Wildlife:
the Coastal Rangers and RSPB for an evening walk across the sands
Island to discover its wildlife and history. Warm
waterproof clothing, stout footwear or wellingtons are
recommended. Bring binoculars if you have them.
Places are limited and a suggested donation of £3:00 will be gratefully
received for this event.
Booking essential (0151) 648 4371.
Saturday 13th July 10:00am start, Marine Wildlife Workshop.
Interested in marine
This event is for you!
Come along to
Country Park, Thurstaston
where the Sea Watch Foundation will be teaching you cetacean
identification skills in readiness for the annual Whale and Dolphin
Watch 2013. The RSPB will give a talk about seabird
conservation in
the marine environments and Cheshire Wildlife Trust will talk about
marine wildlife conservation.
The workshop will be followed by a beach walk/scavenger hunt in the
No need to book.
For further information telephone Wirral Country Park on (0151) 648
Saturday 20th July 11:00am – 4:00pm
Hilbre Birdwatch:
the Coastal Rangers and RSPB on this low water walk across the sands to
Hilbre Islands to enjoy the island’s birds and wildlife.
clothing, stout footwear or wellingtons are recommended.
binoculars if you have them. Places are limited and a suggested
donation of £3:00 will be gratefully received for this event.
Booking is essential (0151) 648 4371
Saturday 3rd August 12:00noon – 4:00pm
Take Tea on
with the RSPB:
return of last year’s event by popular demand! Cross the
sands to
Hilbre Island where the RSPB will be serving tea and cakes during the
above times. They will be staffing the bird hide overlooking
‘Niffy Bay’.
To book for this event telephone (0151) 648 4371
Saturday 10th August 10:30am – 5:00pm
The Big Seawatch:
the Coastal Rangers, staff from the RSPB,
Hilbre Bird Observatory
the Sea Watch Foundation for a day on Hilbre looking for seabirds,
wading birds and cetaceans that inhabit our wonderful coast.
will be staying on Hilbre during high tide giving us the best chance to
see them with experts on hand! Places are limited with a
suggested donation of £5:00 for this event which includes
tea/coffee. To book your place please ring (0151) 648 4371
Thursday 15th August 11:00am –
Mud Glorious Mud!
the Coastal Rangers and RSPB to find out what lives in the sand below
our feet on Hoylake beach and learn about the birds that feed on the
creatures that we might find! Please be aware that
are ESSENTIAL for this event and is not suitable for very young
children. No need to book - just turn up between the above
times. Meet at the
Station, King’s Parade, Hoylake.
For further information please ring (0151) 648 4371
Saturday 17th
August 12:00noon
– 4:00pm
Take Tea on
with the RSPB:
return of last year’s event by popular demand! Cross the
sands to
Hilbre Island where the RSPB will be serving tea and cakes during the
above times. They will be staffing the bird hide overlooking
‘Niffy Bay’.
To book for this event telephone (0151) 648 4371