Ring Ouzel in a horse
paddock at Leasowe Lighthouse © Steve Round
2019 has seen the best spring passage of Ring Ouzels for the past 15
years. Not only have we had the highest spring total over that
time, 43, but also the highest single site count with at least 10 at
Leasowe on April 18th including a flock of seven.

The bar chart above shows the sum of daily spring
records for each year - 2005 to 2019. As you can see there appears to
be a cycle peaking every three years with only 2015 spoiling the
picture. To my mind the pattern doesn't make any sense! As we see only
a tiny proportion of the birds which are flying through the country,
or indeed up the west coast, you would have thought numbers here
should be governed solely by weather events such as wind strength and
direction, cloud cover, amount of early morning mist etc. and
therefore would be purely random and not show a pattern. Steve
Stansfield kindly sent the Ring Ouzel spring records from Bardsey Bird
Observatory (2006 to 2017) and these show no discernible pattern, and,
in contrast to the Dee, 2019 has been a poor year for them with just
six records up to April 26th, compared to 45 in 2015 but only five
in 2013 when we had 38 - i.e no correlation whatsoever between the Dee
and Bardsey. So it remains an intriguing mystery. I would have liked
to have gone further back but unfortunately my records are incomplete
prior to 2005.
Two of the flock of seven Ring
Ouzels at Leasowe, April 18th © Steve Williams
Nearly all our Ring Ouzels come through in April with
just a handful in March. The early ones are likely to be British
breeding birds whereas the large majority of those in April will be on
their way to Scandinavia. In any particular year most birds pass
through in just a few days but the timing of this peak can differ - so
in 2015 25 birds were recorded in the second week of April, in 2016 we
had 17 in the first week and in 2019 25 in the third week.
I finish the article with some thoughts from local
birder Eddie Williams who has been following the migration of Ring
Ouzels both here and in North Wales for a good number of years:
Eddie Williams:
I do have a few thoughts on the migration of Ouzels through our
region based on my own observations.
The nearest main traditional spring stopping off points for migrant
Ouzels (vast majority being Scandinavian birds) are along the Clwyd
Hills just across the Dee from us. They run as a south-north axis
along their route and contain prime Ouzel habitat, although they no
longer breed here. I get up there about once a week during spring
migration and in about 70% of visits connect with Ouzels, usually in
small groups of between 3 and 8 birds, although double figure flocks
are by no means uncommon. As an indication of the large numbers
passing through; On the 8th April last year their were separate flocks
of 16, 6 and 9 on Penycloddiau with another group of 5 on neighbouring
Moel y Parc, 36 in a morning! The whole area is hardly covered by
birders so the numbers going through unnoticed must be huge. Birds
only seem to stick around for a day or so before moving on, similar to
the Wirral coast.
Most records of Ouzels on the Wirral seem to consist of single birds
in contrast to the Clwyd Hills where records of singles are in the
minority. It seems to me that a few birds choose to follow the coast
rather than the traditional route, with others becoming slightly
displaced. Displacement I think is the reason for many of the records
we have seen on Wirral this spring. On 18th April in particular 10
birds were at Leasowe, inc flock of 7, and another group of 3 on Red
Rocks with singles on Hilbre, Ness and Caldy. The weather conditions
that morning were slightly misty. This mist would have also obscured
the Clwyd Hills for any Ouzels either heading north or intending to
stop there, forcing them to re-orientate along the nearby coast, with
some stopping off. Hence the numbers I would usually associate with
the Clwyd Hills being present on the Wirral coast on that day.
By the way the situation is completely different in autumn when
Scandinavian Ouzels follow a far more easterly route south and are
extremely rare on the Clwyd Hills then. Birds seen then on Wirral are
more likely traditional 'easterly drift' migrants.
Eddie Williams
Eddie makes the point that the vast majority of Ring Ouzels seen both
along north Wirral and the Clwyd Range are Scandinavian breeders. I
asked him if we knew that for sure and why couldn't some be Scottish
breeding birds. He replied:
Unfortunately I have no hard evidence to
support this i.e. colour ringed birds etc and there is no racial
difference between British and Scandinavian breeding Ouzels. I have
plenty of circumstantial evidence though.
1. I have noted numbers and dates through the Clwyds for last 11 years
visiting regularly once a week during spring passage. The volume of
passage has been heavy and constant, showing no reduction in numbers
which would be reflected if these were Scottish breeders due to recent
big declines there. This decline is not reflected in Scandinavian
populations, which remain healthy.
2. The actual number of birds involved in the passage indicates
destinations other than within UK as our native population is
relatively small. There is also recognised evidence that Ouzels take a
more westerly route in spring, this including Scandinavian birds.
3. The timing of the sightings are relevant. Most British Ouzels
arrive on breeding grounds late March to early April but I am getting
large groups still passing through in last week of April into early
May. e.g. 9 on 28.4.08, 6 on 28.4.13 and 5 on 6th May, these groups
still contain good proportions of males which would usually be first
to arrive on territory. Weekly totals are fairly constant throughout
April. Scandinavian breeders arrive later on their breeding ground due
to later snow melt.
While there are likely some Scottish birds involved in the passage,
especially some recorded late March to early April, I believe the
majority are Scandinavia bound. I am hoping for a colour ringed bird
one day.
Eddie Williams
Ring Ouzel at
Leasowe Lighthouse, April 8th © David Haigh
Ring Ouzel Status
British breeding birds are declining such that they
have at least halved in number over the past 30 to 40 years and
probably currently down to 5,000 to 6,000 pairs. As Eddie has already
mentioned numbers in Scandinavia seem to be stable although exactly
how many there are is not really known, one source said the number of
pairs in Norway was anywhere between 10,000 and 100,000 pairs! Even in
the UK, where there have been regular surveys, their habitat of rocky
mountain crags and steep slopes means accurate counting is very
difficult and you can certainly imagine the problems of trying to
estimate numbers in the mountains of Norway even if you could get the
volunteers to do it.
Ring Ouzels used to breed in the Clwyd Hills,
probably up to the 1980s, but there could still be one or two pairs in
the eastern hills of Cheshire, down from the four pairs estimated
during the Cheshire and Wirral Bird Atlas surveys (2004 to 2007), and
a few more pairs are said to breed in Derbyshire just across the
border. According to reports several years ago Ring Ouzels are doing
well in Snowdonia with around 160 territories. Why British breeding
birds are declining is not fully understood but climate change, change
of land use and French hunters during migration are all likely
Latest News...
I hear that 2019 seems to have been a good breeding season in
Yorkshire where in one 15 mile valley out of nine pairs two nests
fledged six young per pair, whilst at Capel Curig in Snowdonia two
nests each fledged four young (info from Paul Sothern). Hopefully the
good weather for most of April means it has been a good breeding
season elsewhere.
References and Further Reeding
1. Latest sightings from 2005 to 2019 on
http://www.deeestuary.co.uk/, thanks to all those
who contributed.
2. Allan Conlin, Eddie Williams and Steve Williams
(pers.comm. April 2019).
3. Ring Ouzel Study Group http://www.ringouzel.info/index.html. This
website has much useful information and links to other sites.
4. European Red List of Birds published by BirdLife
International, Turdus torquatus
(Ring Ouzel), supplementary Material, 2015.
Richard Smith
Ring Ouzel at Leasowe Lighthouse, April 8th © Allan
Top of Page
Colour Ring Report
Mediterranean Gull
A Mediterranean Gull bonanza at Burton
Mere Wetlands including this one with a colour ring
Carole Killikelly
3PEV on white ring.
Ringed on De Krepel island, Ijsselmeer, northern Netherlands, on June
19th 2017.
Recorded at:
Easington, Yorkshire, on September 27th 2017.
Slimbridge WWT, Gloucestershire, on April 4th 2018.
Titchwell RSPB, Norfolk, on April 20th and May 2nd 2018.
Griend island (Waddensee), northern Netherlands, on May 28th 2018.
Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB, Dee estuary, on April 13th 2019.
De Krepel is a small artificial island and nature reserve in the
This bird was certainly doing a lot of flying last spring being seen
at the famous bird reserves of Slimbridge (on the west coast) and
Titchwell (on the east coast) before flying to the lonely island of
Griend on the Waddensee where many knot are colour ringed by the Dutch
and seen here on the Dee estuary.
Avocet YB-BG
just after being ringed at Rutland Water NR
YB-BG - Ringed at Rutland
Water NR on July 15th 2015 as a chick, one of a brood of three.
Recorded at Summer Leys LNR, Northamptonshire, on March 24th 2017.
Recorded at Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB on April 17th and May 3rd 2018,
and on April 1st 2019.
Oystercatcher T231 on Hilbre © Phil Woollen
T231 - on green ring.
Ringed on Meland Island (just north of Bergen), Norway, on July 19th,
Recorded at the ringing site in August 2017.
Recorded on Hilbre on April 16th 2019.
I expect we get plenty of Oystercatchers here which
breed in Norway but this is the first colour-ringed bird from there
we've seen.
Black-tailed Godwit
RO-LH Red over Orange left leg,
Light green over light green ring enscribed with letter 'H'.
Ringed on the Tagus estuary, Portugal, on January 7th 2019.
Recorded at Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB on April 4th 2019.
It was August 2013 since we last saw a Portugese ringed Black-tailed
Godwit (ringed by Jose Alves) although we have seen a few ringed in
Spain during that period.
FAC - Left Tibia: white ring
with black lettering FAC reading upwards. Left tarsus: metal.
Ringed at Haapavesi, Kyokyla, Finland, on July 6th 2017, as a juvenile.
Recorded on Heswall Shore in June and July 2018.
Recorded on Heswall Shore on April 17th and 29th 2019.
As a one year old this bird over-summered on the Dee Estuary in 2018, in
2019 we would expect it to return to Finland to breed.
In March we had our first colour-ringed Shelduck - L3 on a lime green
ring. That bird has since been recorded a further six times in March and
April on Heswall shore, and has now been joined by a second one.
IT on lime green ring, left tarsus.
Ringed at Martin Mere WWT on November 19th 2018.
Recorded at Martin Mere WWT in February and March 2019, last seen ther
eon March 8th.
Recorded on Thurstaston Shore on April 13th 2019.
Colour-ringed birds were recorded by Steve Hinde, Phil Woollen (Hilbre
Bird Observatory), Dave Winnard, Colin Schofield, Carole Killikelly
and Richard Smith.
Top of Page
April Bird News
Wow! What a month for Yellow Wagtails. As some may be
confused with talk of Channel Wagtails, Blue-headed Wagtails, Spanish
Wagtails, flava and flavissima there is an excellent article on
BirdGuides called 'Focus on: shades of Yellow Wagtail' which explains
it all. Click here
for this Yellow Wagtail Article. Hopefully the photos
below will also help.
Yellow Wagtails
on Hilbre on April 23rd © Steve Williams
flava flavissima - regular summer visitors to the UK
The bird bottom right in the above
photo has a noticeably grey mantle and wide white wing bar.
This could be a natural variation in Yellow Wagtail
plumage or perhaps a hybrid of some sort.
Photographed by Steve Williams on
Hilbre on April 23rd.
A 'Channel Wagtail' by
Leasowe Lighthouse on April 28th © Allan Conlin
In northern France there is an area where Yellow Wagtails and
Blue-headed Wagtails ( Motacilla
flava flava) regularly interbreed producing the so-called
'Channel Wagtail'.
Spanish Wagtail Motacilla
flava iberiae on Kerr's Field by Leasowe Lighthouse
28th © Carole Killikelly
It's been a great year for Yellow Wagtails with a max
count of at least 40 at Leasowe Lighthouse on the 22nd. Hilbre rarely
gets more than ones and twos as most fly over, so it was fantastic to
have 23 on the island on the 21st and 31 two days later. Channel
Wagtails (Yellow/Blue-headed Wagtail intergrade - M f flava x
favissima) are unusual here, and we rarely get more than the odd one,
so to get seven records was great. Two turned up at Burton Mere
Wetlands on the 14th and later in the month we had a few at Leasowe
Lighthouse. But the sumptuous icing on the cake was the arrival of a
Spanish Wagtail (Motacilla flava iberiae)
found by Stan Davidson in Kerr's Field at Leasowe on the 26th, despite
gales and rain on the 27th it was still present on the 28th and
briefly the next day. Although it will be a while before we know if it
has been accepted all the indications are is that it will be, only the
second for the UK and thus becomes Wirral's rarest ever bird!
The spring migration was more or less on schedule as
you can see from the table, that is except for summer weather in
Apart from the Ring Ouzels as described in the above
article, and a good number of Common Redstarts and Wheatears (100+ on
the 19th) the most remarkable birds were the 17 Mediterranean Gulls
which turned up at Burton Mere Wetlands, easily a record count for the
Dee estuary area. I'm not sure how many are actually breeding but the
first successful breeding took place only in 2017 and that was just
one pair.
Mediterranean Gulls at Burton
Mere Wetlands, April 13th © Carole Killikelly
The first Sandwich Terns arrived on the 2nd, the
first Common Terns on the 14th and Little Terns on the 18th. There was
some good seawatching towards the end of the month including over 300
Gannets and 600 Sandwich Terns seen from Hilbre.
Highest counts of Whimbrels was 79 at Heswall on the 24th, more
unusually has been a small flock feeding in the horse paddocks at
Leasowe. Otherwise the estuary has been fairly quiet with regards
A Black Tern at Burton Mere Wetlands and five
Crossbills at Thurstaston rounded the month off nicely.
Black Tern at Burton Mere
Wetlands, April 30th ©Mark Woodhead
Crossbill on
Thurstaston Hill, April 30th © Clare Shaughnessy
Many thanks go to Mark Turner, Jane Turner, Mark
Gibson, Eddie Williams, Carole Killikelly, Jeremy Bradshaw, Jon
Ashton, Geoff Robinson, Richard Steel, David Haigh, Mark Woodhead,
Steve Hinde, Matt Thomas, Chris Butterworth, Bruce Atherton, David
Wilson, David Leeming, Alan Hitchmough, Paul Mason, Steve
Williams, Derek Bates, Allan Conlin, Karen Leeming, Frank Burns, Roy
Lowry, Colin Schofield, Dave Edwards, Richard Whitby, Linda Platt,
Mark Peers, Steve Hart, Julie Rogers, Charlie Lowe, Charles Farnell,
David Thompson, Gail Wilson, David Roe, Roger Jacobs, Dave
Harrington, John Watson, Bill Owens,Clare Shaughnessy, Peter Ham,
Janine Johnson, Graham Connolly, Colin Spencer, Eric Burrows, Elliot
Montieth, Les Hall, Rod Bell, Brian Rimmer, Chris Wilding, David
Thornby, Rob Creek, Jean Bishop, Peter Nicol, Stephen Burke, Paul
Rutter, David Peate, Alister Sclater, David Small, Richard Speechley,
Peter Humphrey, John Rowlands, John Johnson, Phil Corns, Martin
Kalaher, Stephen Downig, Will Jones, Mike Hart, Paul Granby, the
and Wirral
Birding Blog, the
Dee Estuary Wardens and
Hilbre Bird
Observatory for their sightings during April. All sightings are
gratefully received.
Top of Page
What to expect in May
migration will still be in full swing, specially for the first week in
May, and waders will be passing through all month and even into June.
Look out for Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Sanderling all of which will be
on their way to the high Arctic. We often see a few Little Stints and
Curlew Sandpipers, and Whimbrels could reach three figures at Heswall
and Thurstaston. We had a bumper wader breeding season at Burton Mere
Wetlands last year, so lets hope for another one.
Any fresh westerlies should see good numbers of Gannets, Manx
Shearwaters, terns and skuas.
May is a particularly good month for rarities and just the past two
years has brought in Iberian Chiffchaffs, Ring-necked Duck,
Gull-billed Tern, Spotted Crake, Sub-alpine Warbler, Shorelark,
Hoopoe, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Turtle Dove and Roseate Tern.
on Hilbre in May 2017 © Steve Williams
Top of Page
Forthcoming Events
May Highest Spring Tides (Liverpool)
Also see Tides page.
18th May, 11.32hrs (BST), 9.4m.
19th May, 12.15hrs (BST), 9.5m.
Forthcoming Events
Organised by the Wirral
Ranger Service , Flintshire
Service and the RSPB (Dee Estuary): All these events and
walks have bird interest, even those not advertised specifically for
birdwatching. No need to book for these events unless specified -
please check below.
Gronant Little Tern Colony Tasks
To find out more about the Gronant Little Tern colony
click here, see the
Little Tern Facebook page or the North Wales
Little Tern Group Website -
Monday 29th April to Thursday 2nd
Gronant Little Tern Colony. There is over
a kilometre of electric fencing to construct to protect one of the
largest Little Tern colonies in Britain and Ireland. Meet at the new
'shelter' at the end of the old boardwalk 10:00 am, next to the beach.
There is a car park opposite the Crofter’s Cafe on Shore Road, Gronant
For further details ring 01352 810614 or 01745 356197
Sunday 5th May, Dawn Chorus at Burton
Mere Wetlands.
Price: £15 per person / £12 RSPB members (plus Eventbrite booking
Booking essential
In celebration of the RSPB Dee Estuary reserve's 40th anniversary, and
to mark International Dawn Chorus Day, join us on a guided walk around
Burton Mere Wetlands to experience the magic of the reserve waking up
as the sun rises. With a wonderful mixture of woodland and wetlands,
there's no better place to experience the early morning birdsong.
An expert guide will help identify the bird calls and songs around
you, plus all the other kinds of wildlife that makes its home here.
Enjoy a hot drink afterwards in the vistor centre, then a chance to
explore the rest of the reserve on your own before it opens at 9am.
Wear sturdy footwear and warm, layered clothing appropriate for the
weather on the day, and bringing a waterproof layer is always wise.
Don't forget your binoculars if you have some, otherwise you can hire
from us on the day.
Advanced booking and payment
essential, via Eventbrite: https://deedawnchorus.eventbrite.co.uk
Telephone 0151 353 2720 for further information.
Saturday 11th May, Burton Marsh
Birdsong and Breakfast.
Price: £15 per person / £12 RSPB members (plus Eventbrite booking
Booking essential
In celebration of the RSPB Dee Estuary reserve's 40th anniversary,
join us for this 'not-quite-dawn chorus' with a difference; a gentle
walk along the Burton Marsh Greenway as far as Burton Point before
retracing our steps to Denhall Lane as far as Nets Cafe for a full
English breakfast.
A variety of warblers are busy establishing breeding territories here
at this time of year, whilst the marsh is peppered with other summer
migrants such as wheatears and alive with the songs of skylarks and
meadow pipits. This early morning walk will offer chance to see and
hear the marsh coming to life for the day in this busy time for
nesting and migrating birds.
Price includes breakfast at Nets Cafe. The route is along a fully
accessible paved track. Toilets available at end of walk.
Advanced booking and payment
essential, via Eventbrite:
Meet at the junction of Station Road and Denhall Lane, west of Burton
village. Nearest postcode CH64 0TG.
Telephone 0151 353 2720 for further information.