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Archived Latest Sightings:
November and December 2023.

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Dec 31
2 Waxwing at 0825hrs - Saughall Massie.

Dec 30
At least 17 Waxwing feeding on berries by shops in Saughall Massie Road this morning - Saughall Massie.

Dec 29
9 Waxwing feeding on berries by shops in Saughall Massie Road this afternoon  - Saughall Massie.
4 Hen Harrier (2 grey males and 2 ringtails). 7+ Marsh Harrier, 1 Merlin, 9+ Great White Egret, 2 Stonechat and 1 Kingfisher - Old Baths, Parkgate.
1 Bittern at dusk, 8 Great White Egret, 2 Hen Harrier (ringtails) and 12+ Marsh Harrier - Neston Reedbed.
24 Whooper Swan (incl 7 juvs) - Burton Outer Marsh.

Dec 28
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) and 3 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 possible Pallas's Warbler, in edge of wood next to field, 100 yards north of Caldy Road  - Stapledon Woods.

Dec 26
2 Long-tailed Duck (male and female) on sea off Life boat Station - Hoylake.

Dec 25
3 Twite with flock of 30+ Linnet - Old Baths, Parkgate.
1+ Twite with Linnets - Point of Ayr.

Dec 24
10 Waxwing at jnc of Betram Drive and Birkenhead Road then moved to Egbert Road but no sign since noon - Meols.
3 Water Pipit and 2 Jack Snipe - Neston Old Quay.
c15 Cattle Egret in field at Shotwick Dips, near Shotwick Village.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) and 1 Great White Egret - Riverbank Road, Heswall.

Dec 22
9 Waxwing in Rowan tree behind M&S Foodhall this morning then flew east at 9.30am - Heswall.

Dec 21
10 Waxwing in Rowan tree behind M&S Foodhall this afternoon - Heswall.

Dec 18
5 Green Sandpiper in small pool between Brimstage and Thornton Hough.

Dec 17
4 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
70 Pied Wagtail in field adjacent to sewage works at Target Road - Heswall Shore.
8,000 Dunlin, 1,100 Knot and 214 Brent Geese (1 dark-bellied) - West Kirby Shore.

Dec 16
4 Waxwing in Rowan tree for 20 minutes before flying off - Saughall (Cheshire).
7,000 Dunlin moved south on shore on ebb tide - West Kirby.
2,500 Pink-footed Geese in fields around Pensby.

Dec 15
2 Snow Bunting on embankment east of Dove Point, also 9,000 Knot roosting before high tide - Meols.
2 Snow Bunting (the same ones??) by the boating lake at high tide - Hoylake Lifeboat Station.
5 Stonechat sitting on fence in sand dunes between West Kirby and Red Rocks.

Dec 14
1 Great Northern Diver - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Short-eared Owl - Middle Eye (Hilbre).
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) - Parkgate.

 Dec 13
1 Great Northern Diver and 6 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
7 Woodcock flew from roost by Pasture Road this evening - Moreton.

Dec 12
14 Waxwing feeding on Rowan berries this afternoon - Martin Close, Irby.
8,000 Knot feeding off Dove Point at 1pm, most then flew out to edge of East Hoyle Bank - Meols.
12 Waxwing behind hospital - Holywell.

Dec 11
2500 Pink-footed Geese, 9 Pale-bellied Brent, 470 Shelduck, 2 Great Egret, 920 Lapwing, 149 Golden Plover, 73 Grey Plover, 3000 Knot, 5500 Dunlin, 520 Curlew, 660 Redshank, 5 Greenshank at high tide this morning - Heswall/Thurstaston Shore.

Dec 10
3 Hen Harrier (2 ringtail, 1 grey male), 1 Merlin and 1 Great White Egret - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
2 Velvet Scoter and 5 Red-throated Diver off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
1 Great Northern Diver - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Kingfisher and 5+ Marsh Harrier - Burton Mere Wetlands.
3 Hen Harrier (1 grey male), 4 Marsh Harrier and 2 Merlin - Denhall Quay.
1 Peregrine, 2 Hen Harrier and 10 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
80+ Jackdaw and 50+ Magpie came into roost this evening - Gilroy Nature Park, West Kirby.
4,000 Knot - Meols Shore.

Dec 9
1 Hen Harrier (grey male), at least 2 Marsh Harrier and 3 Great White Egret - Parkgate.

Dec 6
10 Cattle Egret in field with cattle on Puddington Lane - Puddington.
23 Brent Geese in channel off Leasowe Lighthouse.
4 Waxwing flew north - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Dec 5
1 Waxwing briefly near playing fields on Greenbank Road - West Kirby.
1 Great Northern Diver - West Kirby Marine Lake.
5 Great White Egret and 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Denhall Quay.

Dec 2
18 Purple Sandpiper and 5 Eider - Hilbre.
5 Goosander at high tide - Thurstaston.
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) and 1 Merlin on marsh off Heswall Golf Course.
5 Great Egret, 2 Marsh Harrier and 4,000 Pink-footed Geese - Parkgate.

Dec 1
2025 Pinkfooted Geese flew inland to feed, 760 Pintail, 800 Lapwing, 180 Golden Plover, 3500 Knot, 520 Black-tailed Godwit this morning before high tide - Thurstaston/Heswall Shore.
500 Cormorant on edge of East Hoyle Bank, 3,000+ Common Scoter and 50 Great Crested Grebe on the sea before high tide - Meols Shore.
1 Long-tailed Duck and 7 Red-throated Diver - Hoylake.
1 Great Northern Diver - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Snow Bunting - Little Eye.
9 Purple Sandpiper, 2 Goosander and 5 Eider - Hilbre.
3 Waxwing in hawthorn hedge near Presthaven Sands caravan park - Gronant.

Nov 30
1 Goldeneye - Shotwick Boating Lake.
1 Great Northern Diver and 1 Goldeneye (drake) - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Snow Bunting - Little Eye.
2 Snow Bunting - east of Red Rocks.

Nov 29
1 Great Northern Diver and 1 Shag - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Black Redstart in garden east of Red Rocks.
20 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
1 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.
3 Hen Harrier (1 grey male and 2 ringtails), 2 Merlin, 1 Peregrine and 3 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate Old Baths.

Nov 28
1 Short-eared Owl hunting over golf course - Leasowe Gunsite.
1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Velvet Scoter and 5 Eider off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
2 Snow Bunting east of Red Rocks.
1 Great Northern diver - West Kirby Marine Lake.
3 Twite with Linnets - Gronant.

Nov 27
1 Black Redstart and 1 Snow Bunting east of Red Rocks.
3 Hen Harrier (ringtails) - Parkgate Old Baths.

Nov 26
3 Waxwing in sea-front garden early morning, flew off then one returned before flying off towards Stanley Road, also 1 Black Redstart and 1 Snow bunting on beach this afternoon and c14,000 Common Scoter on the sea - Hoylake.
2 Greenshank with 80+ Curlew in flooded coastal paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1000 Pink-footed Geese, 560 Shelduck, 630 Pintail, 280 Teal, 5000 Knot, 4000 Dunlin, 480 Black-tailed Godwit, 160 Bar-tailed Godwit, 680 Curlew, 800 Redshank, 3 Greenshank on rising tide this morning, also 1 Woodcock over Target Road this evening - Heswall Shore.
1 Green Sandpiper - Neston Old Quay.
1 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.

Nov 25
1 Geat Northern Diver and 1 juv Shag -  West Kirby Marine Lake.
4 Woodcock and 3 Common Snipe flew from roost at Ditton Lane at dusk - Moreton.
1 drake Long-tailed Duck, 2 juv Velvet Scoter and 500+ Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
1 Snow Bunting just east of Red Rocks.
3 Waxwing flew west - Moreton Cross.
3 Hen Harrier (1 grey male and 2 juvs), 9 Marsh Harrier, 1 Merlin (fem), 19 Great White Egret and 2 Stonechat (pair) - Parkgate Old Baths.
1 Green Sandpiper off Harp Inn - Neston.
27 Brent Geese on the shore by railway footbridge - Ffynnongroyw.
30 Greenfinch by the reedbed - Gronant.
1 Merlin and 20+ Siskin along Denhall Lane - Burton Marsh.
c1,000 Wigeon on Decca Pools.

Nov 24
1 Geat Northern Diver and 1 juv Shag -  West Kirby Marine Lake.
12+Marsh Harrier, 4 Hen Harrier (1 ad male, a sub-adult male and 2 female); 1 Peregrine and 1 Short-eared Owl late afternoon - Parkgate Old Baths.
2 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.

Nov 23
2 Great White Egret and 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Denhall Quay.

Nov 22
7 Brent Geese (incl 4 dark-bellied) on marsh - Hoylake Shore.
2 Merlin and 2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail) - Parkgate.
1 Geat Northern Diver -  West Kirby Marine Lake.

Nov 21
1 Geat Northern Diver -  West Kirby Marine Lake.
6 sighitngs of Short-eared Owl and 14 Marsh Harrier in air together over reedbed at dusk - Neston Old Quay.

Nov 19
3 Hen Harrier (ringtails), 11 Marsh Harrier, 1 Green Sandpiper, 17 Great Egret and 6 Stonechat ( 3pr) - Parkgate.
1 Woodcock - Hilbre.

Nov 18
1 Geat Northern Diver and 1 Common Scoter -  West Kirby Marine Lake.
2 Snow Bunting - Little Eye.
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail) - Parkgate.

Nov 17
2 Short-eared Owl,1 Hen Harrier (ringtail), 6 Marsh Harrier and 6 Great Egret - Denhall Quay.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtails), 5 Marsh Harrier and 1 Great Egret - Parkgate.

Nov 16
2 ringtail Hen Harrier - Parkgate.
1 Great Northen Diver, 2 Snow Bunting off north end but mobile  - West Kirby Marine Lake.
6 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
1 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.
1 Swallow (very late) seen both over Leasowe Gunsite and New Brighton Prom.

Nov 15
1 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Lifeboat Station.
1 Great Northen Diver, 2 Snow Bunting off north end but mobile  - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Firecrest in hedge - Saughall.

Nov 14
6 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
1 Snow Bunting showing well just east of Hoylake Lifeboat Station.
1 Great Northen Diver - West Kirby Marine Lake.

Nov 13
1 Water Rail and 5 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
2 Snow Bunting on rocks and beach just north of the Sail Loft Cafe - West Kirby Marine Lake.

Nov 12
1 Barred Warbler showed again briefly - Burton Mere Wetlands.
11 Marsh Harriers, 4 Hen Harriers ringtails, 1 Merlin - Parkgate Old Baths this evening.

Nov 11
1 Barred Warbler (seen briefly at 0845hrs in brambles by Border Hide), also 1 Long-tailed Duck - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Snow Bunting (flew SW), 1 Short-eared Owl, 2 Little Gull (1st win), c500 Brent Geese, 7 Eider and 13 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
1 Short-eared Owl over this afternoon - Wallasey GC.
1 Great Northern Diver and 1 Common Scoter  - West Kirby Marine Lake.
4 Hen Harrier (1 ad male, 2 juv male, 1 juv female) and 7+ Marsh Harrier - Parkgate/Heswall Marshes.

Nov 10
1 Barred Warbler (photographed) - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Purple Sandpiper on the groyne by Perch rock - New Brighton.
1 Great Northern Diver, flew west at 1045hrs  - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Short-eared Owl just south of Neston Reedbed.

Nov 8
1 Little Stint - Burton Mere Wetlands.
10,000+ Knot on Dawpool Bank at high tide - Thurstaston.
1 Short-eared Owl late afternoon - Leasowe Common.
1 Great Northern Diver - West Kirby Marine Lake.

Nov 7
1 Great Northern Diver, 1 Common Scoter, 1 Shag and, 9 Red-breasted Merganser and 5 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Cattle Egret again roosted overnight with Little Egrets before feeding in a nearby field full of cows - Heswall Fields NT.
1 Little Stint, 12 Cattle Egret and 1 Long-tailed duck - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Bittern flew from Burton Marsh to Neston Reedbed late afternoon.

Nov 6
1 Great Northern Diver, 10 Goosander, 8 Red-breasted Merganser and 1 Shag - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Little Stint on main scrape - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Goshawk this morning but flew further out and not refound - Burton Marsh.
3 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.
1 Cattle Egret roosted overnight with Little Egrets - Heswall Fields NT.

Nov 5
1 Great Northern Diver, 1 Common Scoter and 1 Shag - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Snow Bunting by groyne - Meols.
1 Little Stint, 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail), 5+ Marsh Harrier and 1 Spotted Redshank (over) - Burton Marsh.
1 Little Stint on main scrape - Burton Mere Wetlands.
9 Whooper Swan flew east - Leasowe Lighthouse
2 Goldcrest, 437 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, 1 Eider and first 2 Purple Sandpiper of the autumn - Hilbre.
6 Short Eared Owl,  1 Merlin, 2 Hen Harrier (ring tails) 1 Sparrowhawk and 3 Great Egret- Denhall Quay.

Nov 4
1 Pallas's Warbler in sycamores in NW paddock but no sign since 1110hrs - Hilbre.
40+ Blackbird flew into bushes ahead of rain and feeding on berries along Lingham Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Snow bunting seen briefly by groyne - Meols.
18 Marsh Harrier and at least 4 Hen Harrier (juvs) this afternoon, also 4 Great Egret - Parkgate.
1 Great Northern Diver and 8 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.

Nov 3
860 Pinkfooted Geese roosted overnight, 1550 Shelduck, 380 Teal, 575 Pintail, 3 redhead Goosander, 139 Golden Plover, 640 Lapwing, 3 Greenshank, 740 Redshank - Heswall Shore.
1 Long-tailed Duck - Burton Mere Wetlands.
260 Shelduck and 1,500 Knot - Meols Shore.
2 Merlin, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier and 1 Great Egret - Riverbank Road, Heswall.

Nov 1
1 Common Scoter on West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Great Northern Diver over Hilbre.
1 Merlin, 3 Hen Harrier (ringtail) and 5 Marsh Harrier (in air together) - Parkgate.
6 Red-throated Diver, 90 Great Crested Grebe and at least 1,100 Common Scoter - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Twite with Linnets - Gronant.