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Archived Latest Sightings:
March and April 2024.

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Apr 30
3 Whinchat, c25 Wheatear, 5 Yellow Wagtail and 1 m Common Redstart between coastal paddocks and Dove Point, plus 2 Whinchat off Park Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3 White Stork over this afternoon flying towards Puddington, also 7 Spotted Redshank and 1 Mediterranean Gull - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Hobby Denhall Lane, at least 13 Wheatear at Burton Pont this evening - Burton Marsh.
1 Osprey over heading towards Thurstaston - Caldy Golf Course.
1 Tree Pipit, 6 Whinchat and 5 Wheatear - Hoylake Langfields.
4 Sedge Warbler, 20 Willow Warbler, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Tree Pipit and 4 Whinchat in sea-front garden this morning - Hoylake.
1 Whinchat (m) and 3 Wheatear on embryo dunes - Red Rocks.

Apr 29
1 Cuckoo, 1 Swift, 7+ Wheatear and 1 Whinchat in coastal paddocks this morning, 3 Yellow Wagtail and 1 'channel' Yellow Wagtail in field next to Kerr's this afternoon, also 1 Common Redstart and 2 Ring Ouzel - Leasowe Lighthouse.
4 Whinchat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat and c15 Wheatear - Station Road and Burton Marsh.
1 Cuckoo by Limbo Lane - Pensby.
1 Black Tern flew west along tideline at high tide - Meols Shore.
1 Common Sandpiper and 23 Whimbrel - Hilbre.
1 Little Gull, 1 Common Sandpiper and 6 Greenshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Common Sandpiper and 99 Whimbrel on the shore, also 7 Wheatear and 2 Siskin - Heswall Shore.

Apr 28
1 'channel' Yellow Wagtail in Kerr's Field, also 2 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Ring Ouzel and several White Wagtails - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Spotted Flycatcher at Warren Farm - Talacre.

Apr 27
1 Short-eared Owl early morning - Hilbre.
1 Ring Ouzel (west of Lingham Lane), 1 Whinchat (m) in coastal padocks, 1 Yellow Wagtail in Kerr's Field and 1 Cuckoo briefly by Lingham bridge then just inland of path between kissing gates - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 White Stork circled over wet grassland then flew towards Shotwick at 16.30, also 1 Cuckoo- Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Spoonbill - Parkgate.
2 Whinchat - Gronant.

Apr 26
1 Short-eared Owl came in off the sea then flew west this morning but later found in field inland of Park Lane, also 1 Ring Ouzel (inland of Rover Birket), 1 Yellow Wagtail, 24 White Wagtail and 26 Dunlin in coastal paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Whinchat, 10 Willow Warbler, 2 Common Whitethroat, 1 reeling Grasshopper Warbler, 4 Reed Warbler, 4 Sedge Warbler and 1 Water Rail this morning - Red Rocks.
157 Whimbrel over high tide - Heswall Shore.
2 Garganey (drakes) and 6 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Apr 25
1 Osprey flew east over Gronant.
18 White Wagtail and 1 Yellow Wagtail in coastal paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
54 Whimbrel over high tide - Heswall Shore.
9 Spotted Redshank and 1 Water Pipit - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Spoonbill - Parkgate.

Apr 24
6 Wheatear, 17 White Wagtail, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 27 Dunlin and 80 Redshank in coastal paddocks, also 4 Lesser Whitethroat - Leasowe Lighthouse.
143 Wimbrel and 168 Curlew at high tide, also 1 Whinchat and 28 Wheatear around moored boats area at 08:15 - Heswall Shore.
30+ Whimbrel at 9.30am - Thurstaston Shore.
1 Whinchat, 6 Wheatear, 3 Sedge Warbler and 2 Reed Warbler between Denhall Lane and Burton Point.
16 Whimbrel roosting - Shotwick Lake.

Apr 23
450 Sandwich Tern, 50 Little Tern 50, 50 Ringed Plover, 2 Greenland Wheatear and 4 White wagtail - Point of Ayr.
12 Whimbel on main scrape, Red Kite over and fem Scaup - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Little Ringed Plover flew west - Hoylake.
2 Yellow Wagtail, 5 Wheatear and 4 White Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse.
80+  Whimbrel - Heswall Shore.

Apr 22
1 Swift, 3 Whimbrel and 5 White Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse.
72 Whimbrel - Heswall Shore.
2 Cattle Egret near coastal path just north of Ffynnongroyw.

Apr 21
1,800 Pink-footed Geese flew out of estuary early morning - Hilbre.
1 Grasshopper Warbler reeling - Meols Common.
1 Green Sandpiper in coastel paddock, 2 male Common Redstart, 11 Wheatear, 1 Whinchat, 1 Garden Warbler and 9 White Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3 Whinchat (male) on stone wall at back of sheep pen - Burton Marsh.
1 Grasshopper Warbler reeling behind duck pond - Gilroy NP, West Kirby.
68 Whimbrel at high tide - Heswall Shore.
1 Red Kite over, 4 Spotted Redshank, 1 Lesser Whitethroat and 1 Grasshopper Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Apr 20
1 Snow Bunting - Gronant.
6,000 Pink-footed Geese flew out of the estuary early morning, also 17 Whimbrel, 40+ Gannet, 9 Eider and 6 Wheatear - Hilbre.
2 Cuckoo next to Carr Lane, 1 Ring Ouzel (male) and 4 Whimbrel - Hoylake Langfields.
31 Whimbrel - Heswall Shore.
3 Wheatear, 1 Grasshopper Warbler and 4 Lesser Whitethroat - Heswall Fields NT.
2 Common Sandpiper, 3 Yellow Wagtail and several White Wagtails in flooded field next to Ness Gardens.

Apr 19
4 Common Crane dropped into Burton Mere Wetlands at about 12.20hrs, then flew towards Burton Marsh were they appeared to land but not located. They flew again and eventually headed NW up the estuary, past the Harp Inn then inland over Heswall, they were seen from Leasowe Lighthouse heading towards New Brighton before then started heading SE and lost to view.
235 Shelduck, 55 Grey Plover, 9 Knot, 400 Dunlin, 21 Turnstone, 14 Whimbrel, 280 Curlew, 1300 Redshank, 1 Greenshank at high tide - Heswall Shore.
5 Whimbrel in field - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Apr 18
5,800 Pink-footed Geese flew out of estuary in first two hours of daylight this morning - Hilbre.
6 Whimbrel just to the south of Marine Lake at high tide, also a nice selection of other waders including 10 Ringed Plover, 150 Knot, 200 Curlew, 200 Grey Plover and 2,000 Dunlin - West Kirby Shore.
1 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Grashopper Warbler (heard) and 20 Sand Martin over - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Common Sandpiper, 2+ Ruff, 5 Spotted Redshank, 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) and 5 Mediterranean Gull - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Grasshopper Warbler and 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Burton Point.
1 Whinchat (male) and 12+ Wheatear - Burton Marsh.

Apr 17
1 Ring Ouzel behind Hoylake Rugby club in stubble field - Hoylake Langfields.
2 Common Redstart (1m & 1f), 1 Common Whitethroat, 4 Blackcap and 3 Willow Warbler sheltering in hedge/scrub at back of beach, and 1 Whimbrel in the tidal channel, also 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) seen from Riverbank Road - Heswall Shore.
22 Brent Geese by the causeway and 4 Whimbrel - Thurstaston Shore.
1 Common Redstart in field behind Kerr's Field - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Apr 16
140 Grey Plover, 170 Curlew, 5 Whimbrel, 800 Redshank, 1 Greenshank, 1 Merlin on ebbing tide - Heswall Shore
1 Ring Ouzel behind Hoylake Rugby club in stubble field - Hoylake Langfields.
6 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Whinchat - Burton Point.

Apr 15
1 Ring Ouzel behind Hoylake Rugby club - Hoylake Langfields.
120 Kittiwake and several Arctic, Common And Sandwich Terns in Mersey mouth, also 6 Whimbrel flew north - New Brighton.
1 Sabine's Gull off Harrison Drive heading towards Fort Perch at 5.55pm - Wallasey Shore.
6 Spotted Redshank, 1 Whimbrel, 1 Peregrine hunting waders and 1 Grasshopper Warbler heard - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Apr 14
1 Iceland Gull on tide edge at 4pm - Hoylake.
2 Ring Ouzel behind Hoylake Rugby club, 10 Cetti's Warbler around the old municipal golf course - Hoylake Langfields.
5 Spotted Redshank and 1 Mediterranean Gull  - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Whimbrel over, also 1 Greenshank, 8 Wheatear, 2 Stonechat and 1 Grasshopper Warbler - Burton Point.
2 Lesser Whitethroat - Heswall Fields NT.

Apr 13
1 Lesser Whitethroat and 4 Common Whitethroat - Heswall Fields NT.
2 Common Sandpiper by groyne - Meols Shore.
2 Mediterranean Gull and 4 Cattle Egret over, 2 Goosander, 7 Wheatear, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Greenshank, 2 Spotted Redshank, 4 Ruff, 1 Whinchat (fem), 1 Sedge Warbler, 1 Common Whitethroat, 2 Sand Martin and 1 Swallow between Burton Point and Nets Cafe - Burton Marsh.
2 Ring Ouzel and 2 Whinchat - Hoylake Langfields.

Apr 12
1 Grasshopper Warbler and 4 Spotted Redshanks - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Grasshopper Warbler reeling by south end of boardwalk - Red Rocks.
1 Reed Warbler by duck pond, 2 Wheatear, 1 Common Whitethroat and several Sedge Warblers - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Apr 11
1 Whinchat (in paddock inland of west kissing gate), 3 Redstart (2 male and 1 fem) and 3 Wheatear, also Common Whitethroat singing - Leasowe Lighthouse.
At least 3,000 Herring Gull on edge of East Hoyle Bank on rising tide - Meols.
8 Cattle Egret, 3 Great Egret and 20 Willow Warbler between Net's Cafe and Decca Pools - Burton Marsh.
2 Mediterranean Gull - Burton Mere Wetlands.
6 Wheatear, 1 Common Whitethroat and 1 Sedge Warbler - Burton Point/Sheep pens.

 Apr 10
1 Ring Ouzel by boardwalk/sand dunes - Red Rocks.
1 Yellow Wagtail over - Hoylake Shore.
1 Common Redstart (male) - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Yellow Wagtail and 6 White Wagtail near Boathouse Pub - Parkgate.

Apr 9
1 Little Gull (1st winter) briefly - Hoylake Shore.
Big wader roost over high tide on Centenary Pool - 4000 - 5000 Redshank, c3000 Black-tailed Godwit, 250+ Knot, 16 Bar-tailed Godwit, 12 Spotted Redshank, 3 Greenshank, 5 Grey Plover, 3 Turnstone, 18 Ruff, 35 Curlew, 1 Green Sandpiper - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Apr 8
1 Yellow Wagtail over - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Common Redstart bottom of Lingham Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Reed Warbler singing - Red Rocks Marsh.
4 Common Sandpiper along River Dee going towards Chester - Connah's Quay.

Apr 7
1 pair Eider, min 24 Red-breasted Merganser, 4 Gannet over main river channel, 425 Curlew, 2760 Redshank, 5 Common Tern, 1 Little Tern fishing close off car park (unknown here!), 1 Ring Ouzel, 1 House Martin, 9 Swallow over high tide - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) flying north-east, 1 Ring Ouzel and 1 Common Redstart - Hoylake Langfields.
1 Common Redstart along Park Lane, Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Common Redstart in private garden - Hoylake Promenade.
250 Brent Geese before high tide but disturbed by kite surfers - West Kirby Shore.
1 Common Redstart (male), 11 Wheatear, 1 Sedge Warbler, 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) and 2 Swallow this evening - Burton Marsh.

Apr 6
3 Ring Ouzel, 2 Swallow, 2 Tree Pipit, 10 Wheatear, 1 Grasshopper Warbler, 90 Goldfinch and a large fall of Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs, also 100 Sandwich Tern, 25 Swallow, 25 Sand Martin and 1 House Martin - Hilbre.
2 Common Redstart in private garden - West Kirby.
1 Woodlark flew south, c20 Wheatear, 1 Common Redstart and 1 Grasshopper Warbler between Dove Point and Lingham Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
4 Ring Ouzel, 1 Common Redstart, 10+ Wheatear and 1 Grasshopper Warbler in field by Hoylake Allotments (near Manor Road Station) - Hoylake.

Apr 5
1 Common Whitethroat *first of spring* just south of Visitor Centre - Wirral Way, Thurstaston.
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail), 4 Marsh Harrier, 1 Avocet and 1 Raven, several Common Terns out in the channel - Parkgate.

Apr 4
46 Gannet (15 sitting on the sea, rest feeding) and 2,000+ Common Scoter two hours after high tide - Meols.
15+ Red-throated Diver, 6 Guillemot, 2 Shag, 1 fem Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank at low tide, 10 White Wagtail on shore by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
1 Scaup on Shotwick Boating Lake.

Apr 3
1 Brambling with Linnets and 1 Ring Ouzel in field to the west of Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Scaup flew to Border Pool. 1 Bittern heard from reedbed screen - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Short-eared Owl, 1 Merlin, 2 Marsh Harrier, 1 Water Rail (heard) and 3 Great Egret this morning - Decca Pools/Denhall Quay.

Apr 2
2 Short-eared Owl - Decca Pools.
1 fem Long-tailed Duck, 4 Gannet, 2 Sandwich Trn and 2 Red-throated Diver off East Hoyle Bank.

Apr 1
258 Bar-tailed Godwit, 5 Sanderling and 18 Golden Plover at high tide - Heswall Shore.

Mar 31
1 Grasshopper Warbler (early!) reeling in reedbed to the north of Marshlands Road - Neston Marsh.
1 Hen Harrier flew west early morning, also 20 Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler, 3 Sand Martin and 1 Wheatear - Hilbre.

Mar 30
1 White Wagtail, 3 Wheatear, 1 singing Blackcap and 5 Fieldfare - Heswall Fields.
1 Little Ringed Plover and 1 Scaup - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 House Martin and 1 Swallow over Arrowe Brook Farm.
16 Little Gull - Hilbre.
9 Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Mar 29
1 Sandwich Tern, 5+ Little Gull, 1 Wheatear and 12+ White Wagtail - Hilbre.
1 White Wagtail in paddock, 1 Greenshank, 2 Goosander and 13 Brent Geese in channel east of groyne - Leasowe Lighthouse.
9 Wheatear, 1 Merlin and 1 Goosander early morning, 5 Whooper Swan on the outer marsh - Burton Marsh.
1 Swallow, 1 Blackcap, 8 Ruff and 200 Knot - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Mar 27
At least 5 Wheatear on or near groyne - Meols Common.
1 Short-eared Owl flew over off sea - Leasowe Lighthouse.
9 Red-throated Diver and 2 Guillemot off Leasowe Gunsite.

Mar 26
1 Iceland Gull in roost, also 2 (pair) Long-tailed Duck - Hoylake Shore.
4 Waxwing in tall trees at top of Buggen Lane this morning - Neston.
3 Wheatear in 'Hoopoe Hollow' (paddock next to Meols Common) and 2 White Wagtail in Kerr's Field - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Mar 25
4 Waxwing in trees by car park at the back of Brewers Arms pub - Neston.
1 White Wagtail in coastal paddock - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Mar 24
1 Leach's Petrel offshore, 2 Little Gull over Marine Lake, 4 Purple Sandpiper on the pontoon - New Brighton.
1 Long-tailed Duck (male), 4 Little Gull, 1 Kittiwake and 1 Swallow - Hilbre.
4 Waxwing in trees by car park at the back of Brewers Arms pub - Neston.

Mar 23
3 Waxwing at Churchill Court (off Churchill Way) - Neston.
6 Little Gull, 5 Eider, 72 Gannet, 4 Red-throated Diver, 1 Kittiwake and 1,500 Common Scoter - Hilbre.

Mar 22
4 Waxwing in trees by car park at the back of Brewers Arms pub this morning, 3 this afternoon - Neston.
420 Pink-footed Geese, 370 Shelduck, 1 Great Egret, 260 Oystercatcher, 95 Golden Plover, 340 Dunlin, 480 Curlew, 2 Greenshank, 1850 Redshank this morning - Heswall Shore.
1 Osprey over - Burton.
3 Wheatear in horse paddocks at 5pm - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Swallow, 1,000 Black-tailed Godwit, 15 Ruff, 134 Avocet, 100 Tufted Duck, 70 Shoveler and at least 15 Chiffchaff singing - Burton Mere Wetlands.
3 Wheatear, 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail), 4 Great Egret and 1,500 Pink-footed Geese - Neston Marsh.

Mar 21
1 Osprey which caught a fish and landed on East Hoyle Bank - Hilbre.
1 Ring Ouzel (male) and 2 Wheatear - Middle Eye.
4 Waxwing in trees by car park at the back of Brewers Arms pub - Neston.
1 Sandwich Tern and 1 Guillemot out to sea, also 1 Wheatear - Leasowe Gunsite.
1  Black Redstart at Fort Perch - New Brighton.
1 Common Redstart - Flint Castle.

Mar 20
1 Swallow *first of spring* over coastal paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Wheatear - Hilbre.
5 Wheatear in trees by Churchill Court - Neston.
6 Wheatear just to north of Flint Castle.
1 Short-eared Owl this evening - Little Eye.

Mar 19
2 White Wagtail *first of spring*, 3 Wheatear and 1 Kingfisher - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Avocet - Parkgate.

Mar 18
1 Willow Warbler next to Puddington Lane - Puddington.
15 Chiffchaff singing along Wirral Way between Heswall and Neston this morning.
2+ Wheatear, 48 Common Snipe, 23 Chiffchaff and 1 Willow Warbler - Meols Common/groyne/Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Wheatear - Burton Marsh.
2 Red Kite circling low over Mancot (SE of Connah's Quay).
1 Wheatear and 2 Stonechat (pair) on fence in sand dunes - West Kirby.

Mar 17
1 Long-tailed duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
1 Wheatear on beach by Tinker's Dell - Thurstaston.
Small group of Waxwings in tree by Churchill Court - Neston.
1 Green-winged Teal and 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) off Old Baths - Parkgate.

 Mar 16
3 Sand Martin over coastal paddocks, 48+ Common Snipe in flooded fields - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Wheatear *first of spring*, on beach between Thurstaston and Heswall Fields NT.

Mar 14
Influx of Chiffchaffs this morning with 14 on Hilbre by 7.30am and 34 in the Leasowe Lighthouse area.
1 Mute Swan, 1 pair Eider, 19 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Great Egret, 1 Peregrine - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
2 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.

Mar 13
1 Willow Warbler *first of spring* and 12 days earlier than last year, also 27 Common Snipe in flooded fields and 5 Chiffchaff - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Green-winged Teal off Old Baths car park before high tide - Parkgate.
1 Short-eared Owl flew over heading to field behind car park - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
3 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.

Mar 12
1 Green-winged Teal, 13 Red-breasted Merganser amd 1 Merlin on rising tide - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
3 Water Rail - Parkgate.
1 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.

Mar 11
2 Short-eared Owl, 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail), 7 Rock Pipit and 30+ Brent Geese - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
6 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.
2 Long-tailed Duck and 3 Red-throated Diver off East Hoyle Bank after high tide - Hoylake.
1 Bittern, 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail), 6+ Marsh Harrier and 1 Peregrine over high tide - Parkgate.

Mar 10
18 Turnstone - Point of Ayr.
1 Green-winged Teal (drake) off Heswall Fileds NT near moored boats - Heswall Shore.
1 Short-eared Owl landed on saltmarsh before flying inland, tide flushed 4 Jack Snipe and 5 common Snipe from the saltmarsh - West Kirby Shore.
43 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Great Egret, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 2 Marsh Harrier, 1 Merlin, 5 Short-eared Owl, 150 Skylark at high tide - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
1 Sand Martin *first of spring* - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Mar 9
1 Green-winged Teal (drake), swam along channel past Target Road lookout towards Sheldrakes on incoming tide - Heswall Shore.
3 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.

Mar 8
3 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
22+ Waxwing near quarry entrance - Halkyn Mountain.

Mar 7
1 Eider and 4 Long-tailed Duck off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
36 Waxwing close to junction of Sealand Road and Welsh Road (just off A494) - Garden City.

Mar 5
1 Eider, 4 Long-tailed Duck, 1 drake Scaup, 10+ Little Gull, 2 Red-breated Merganser plus 500 Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
4 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.
86 Little Gull and 3000 Common Scoter - Leasowe Gunsite.

Mar 4
1 Gyr Falcon (white morph) seen over fields flying towards shore at around 1445hrs, no sign since - Meols.

Mar 3
1 Short-eared Owl heading towards Hoylake and seen over Red Rocks, also 13 Goosander - Hilbre.
4 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Eider. 3 Red-throated Diver. 9 Razorbill, 10+ Little Gull and 1500 Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
30+ Little Gull feeding offshore late afternoon - Leasowe Lighthouse.
800 Pink-footed Geese, 3 Great Egret, 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 1 female Merlin, 1 Short-eared Owl - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
1 Short-eard Owl - Denhall Quay.

Mar 2
12 Goosander in channel by groyne - Meols Shore.

Mar 1
4 Little Gull (3 ad and 1 1st sum) - Leasowe Gunsite.
4 Eider and 1 Great Northern Diver - Hilbre.
20+ Waxwing - Halkyn Mountain.
2 Short-eared Owl , 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) , 1 Marsh Harrier (male), 4 Great White Egret and 200 Wigeon - Denhall Quay/Decca Pools.