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Archived Latest Sightings:
January and February 2024.

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Feb 29
215 Teal, 450 Oystercatcher, 68 Golden Plover, 5750 Dunlin, 600 Knot, 380 Curlew, 190 Redshank, 2 Greenshank on rising tide at mid-day - Thurstaston.
18 Avocet over - Burton Marsh.

Feb 28
1 Short-eared Owl (this morning) and 1 Hen Harrier (grey male this afternoon) - Denhall Quay.
12 Little Gull feeding off Leasowe Gunsite.
c500 Great Crested Grebe and c10,000 Common Scoter off North Wirral.

Feb 27
40+ Waxwing - Halkyn Mountain.
1 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.

Feb 26
7 Golden Plover, 43 Avocet and 2,500 Black-tailed Godwit - Burton Mere Wetlands.
40+ Waxwing - Halkyn Mountain.
5 Whooper Swan over Meols this afternoon then landed on Hoylake Shore.
50+ Fieldfare - Hoylake Langfields.

Feb 25
4 Waxwing jnt of Grammar School Lane and Hinderton Drive - Newton.
2 Great White Egret and 24 Avocet, 8+ Bar-tailed Godwit with several hundred Black-tailed Godwit - Burton Mere Wetlands.
3 Hen Harrier (ringtail), 1 Short-eared Owl, 1 Peregrine, 1 Merlin, 7 Marsh Harrier, 6 Great White Egret and 2 Green Sandpiper - Denhall Quay.
40+ Waxwing - Halkyn Mountain.

Feb 24
1 Long-tailed Duck and 2 Eider off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
50+ Waxwing - Halkyn Mountain.
10+ Twite by Flint Castle.
7+ Great White Egret - Parkgate.
5 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.

Feb 23
80 Waxwing - Halkyn Mountain.
1 Short-eared Owl and 1 Merlin - Denhall Quay.
20 Whooper Swan, 6 Spotted Redshank, 2 Bittern, 19 Ruff and 9 Cattle Egret - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Short-eared Owl flew high from inland out to marsh - Riverbank Road, Heswall.

Feb 21
1 Short-eared Owl, 1 Hen Harrier (ringtail) and 2 Marsh Harrier this evening at dusk - Old Baths, Parkgate.
21 Avocet and 7 Cattle Egret, also Bittern and Kingfisher reported recently - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2050 Pinkfooted Geese flew inland at first light, 360 Shelduck, 750 Oystercatcher, 135 Golden Plover, 4000 Dunlin, 2800 Knot, 715 Curlew, 1300 Redshank, 3 Greenshank - Heswall/Thurstaston Shore.
2 Mediterranean Gull (1ad, 1 2nd winter) with 150 Black-headed Gull in shore-side arable field south of Dungeon Bridge - Wirral Way, Thurstaston.

Feb 18
1 Greenshank and 50+ Common Snipe in flooded paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
70+ Waxwing around the trig point - Halkyn Mountain.
64 Brent Geese on Dee Sailing Club causeway this morning - Thurstaston shore.

Feb 17
50+ Waxwing on both sides of the road between Rhes y Cae and Halkyn- Halkyn Mountain.
1 Long-tailed Duck (drake) off shore - Hoylake.
8 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2,800 Lapwing and 10+ Great Egret - Burton Marsh (Denhall to Neston Reedbed).

Feb 16
6 Short-eared Owl - Burton Marsh.

Feb 15
1 American wigeon (not storm wigeon) with 1,300 Wigeon, also 1 Long-tailed Duck. 20 Shoveler, 1,000 Redshank, 9 Great Egret and 2 Marsh Harrier - Denhall Quay.
56 Waxwing - Pentre Halkyn.

Feb 14
1 Red Kite 0ver cliffs - Thurstaston shore.
8 Cattle Egret roosted last night - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Long-tailed duck seen from Burton Point.

Feb 13
25+ Twite by old dock inlet (NW of the Castle car park), also 1 Water Pipit  - Flint Castle.
1+ Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.
60+ Waxwing - Halkyn Mountain.

Feb 12
Big tide today which came right into Denhall Quay and Burton Marsh.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) - Denhall Quay.
3 Short-eared Owl near Decca Pools.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtails) - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
1 Jack Snipe (seen well on ground), 2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail) and 2 Merlin - Parkgate.
6 Snow Bunting - Point of Ayr.
150 Waxwing still by quarry entrance - Halkyn Mountain.
Feb 12
Big tide today which came right into Denhall Quay and Burton Marsh.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) - Denhall Quay.
3 Short-eared Owl near Decca Pools.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtails) - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
1 Jack Snipe (seen well on ground), 2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail) and 2 Merlin - Parkgate.
6 Snow Bunting - Point of Ayr.
150 Waxwing still by quarry entrancel - Halkyn Mountain.

Feb 11
1 Snow Bunting on shore off tennis courts - Meols.
10,000 Knot flying over shore on rising tide - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 Avocet - Burton Mere Wetlands.
5 Snow Bunting on the beach, also 2 Short-eared Owl, 30+ Brent Geese 2 dark-bellied), 400 Wigeon, 160 Curlew, 5,000 Oystercatcher and 2,000 Dunlin - Point of Ayr.
20 Twite on marsh - Flint Castle.
1 Water Pipit on marsh off Harp Inn - Neston Marsh.
2 European White-fronted Geese, also at least 7,000 Pink-footed Geese - Burton Marsh.
2 ringtail Hen Harrier, 1 Peregrine, 5 Red-breasted Merganser and at least 5 Rock Pipit - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male), 10+ Marsh Harrier, 9 Great White Egret, 2 Jack Snipe, 2 Merlin, 1 Peregrine, 3,000 Lapwing, 4,000 Pink-footed Geese, 1 Greenshank, - Parkgate.

Feb 10
1 Snow Bunting on shore near Lifeboat Station - Hoylake Shore.
3 Hen Harrier (2 ringtail and 1 grey male) which chased off a Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
40+ Common Snipe in flooded horse paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
c50 Waxwing showing well - Halkyn Mountain.
25+ Twite on marsh - Flint Castle.
21 Whooper Swan and 5 Greenshank - Outer Burton Marsh.
212 Great Crested Grebe and c2,000 Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank at high tide - Meols.

Feb 9
1 Bittern showing in reeds - Burton Mere Wetlands.
520 Bar-tailed Godwit (1 hour before high tide, most I've seen there for several years), 350 Sanderling, 1,000 Knot and 11,000 Dunlin, also 14 Brent Geese - Hoylake Shore.
1020 Pink-footed Geese, 2 Dabchick, 2000 Oystercatcher, 250 Golden Plover, 6000 Dunlin, 1200 Curlew, 700 Redshank, 2 Greenshank, 3 Jack Snipe flushed by high tide - Heswall Shore.

Feb 7
1 Bittern - Burton Mere Wetlands.
5 Snow Bunting on beach, east of walkway - Gronant.
3 Long-tailed Duck (1 drake), 100+ Great Crested Grebe and 1000+ Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.

Feb 6
2 Bittern seen from Marsh Covert Hide, also 2 Ruff, 1 Kingfisher and 86 Gadwall - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Feb 5
100+ Waxwing west of Pentre Halkyn.
400+ Brent Geese - Hilbre.

Feb 4
32 Twite flew SW and 9 Cattle Egret - Burton Mere Wetlands.
480 Brent Geese - Hilbre.

 Feb 3
180+ Waxwing near entrance to quarry west of Pentre Halkyn.
5 Great White Egret, 3 Marsh Harrier, c1,000 Lapwing and 2 Little Grebe - Parkgate.

Feb 2
1 Bittern showing in reeds - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Bewick's Swan and 23 Whooper Swan - Burton Marsh.
2 Snow Bunting on the beach - Point of Ayr.

Feb 1
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail) and 1 Merlin - Parkgate.
140+ Waxwing near quarry - Halkyn Mountain/Pentre Halkyn area.
1 Smew (drake), 800 Wigeon, 12 Shoveler, 12 Tufted duck, 1,000 Lapwing, 100 Black-tailed Godwit, 130 Redshank and 2 Water Pipit at Warren Farm - Talacre/Point of Ayr.
4 Hen Harrier (4 grey males), 3 Short-eared Owl, 1 Bewick's Swan, 9 Whooper Swan and 2,000+ Pink-footed Geese - Outer Burton Marsh.
1 Bittern and 11+ Marsh Harrier flew into reedbed roost - Neston Marsh.

Jan 31
1 Smew (drake) on Warren Farm pools, view from railway bridge, and 5 Snow Bunting on beach - Talacre/Point of Ayr.
27 Waxwing - Halkyn Mountain/Pentre Halkyn area.
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail) - Parkgate.

Jan 30
1 Smew (drake) on Warren Farm pools, view from railway bridge - Talacre.

Jan 28
75 Waxwing, also 1 Red Kite, 1 Merlin and 1 Peregrine - Halkyn Mountain/Pentre Halkyn area.
4 Hen Harrier (grey male and 3 ringtail) and at least 1 Bittern - Parkgate.
1 Smew (drake) on Warren Farm pools, view from railway bridge - Talacre.
32 Twite on marsh - Flint Castle.
3 Snow Bunting on beach - Gronant.

Jan 27
80+ Waxwing present but mobile - Halkyn Mountain/Pentre Halkyn area.
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail - Burton/Parkgate.
1 Smew (drake) on Warren Farm pools, view from railway bridge - Talacre.

Jan 26
180+ Waxwing just north of CEMEX Halkyn Quarry, off Ffordd Groes Road -  between Lixwm and Pentre Halkyn.
1 Glaucous Gull flew west before high tide - Dove Point, Meols.
1 Smew (drake) on Warren Farm pools, view from railway bridge - Talacre.

Jan 25
20 Brent Geese at high tide - Hoylake Shore.
1000+ Lapwing over flooded fields - Leasowe Lighthouse.
At least 4 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon - New Brighton Marine Lake.
130+ Waxwing  in tall trees near farm track just north of Pant-y-groes at 53.2456, -3.2236Pentre Halkyn (west of Flint and A55).
5 Snow Bunting east end of beach - Gronant.

Jan 24
1 American Wigeon ('Storm Wigeon' type) on main scrape this morning - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Crossbill over Gordale Garden Centre this afternoon - Neston.
1 Bittern flew into reedbed roost, also 1 Short-eared Owl - Neston Marsh.
50+ Waxwing feeding next to road - Halkyn (west of Flint and A55).

Jan 23
1 probable Arctic Skua - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Jan 22
1 American Wigeon ('Storm Wigeon' type) present all day - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Slavonian Grebe showing well and photographed, just off Bettisfield, Bagillt.

Jan 21
3800 Pink-footed Geese flew inland at first light, 1 female Goosander, 3 Dabchick, 4600 Oystercatcher, 4000 Knot, 2500 Dunlin, 1470 Curlew, 56 Bar-tailed Godwit, 120 Black-tailed Godwit this morning - Heswall Shore.
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail) - Parkgate.

Jan 20
1 Caspian Gull (2nd winter) off Leasowe.
2 Snow Bunting on beach - Point of Ayr.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) - Parkgate.

Jan 19
30 Waxwing at Golf club - Holywell.
2 Snow Bunting on the shore, 450 Black-tailed Godwit and 250 Pink-footed Geese in flooded field next to shore road - Gronant.

Jan 18
1 Smew (drake) showing well - West Kirby Marine Lake.
3,000 Pink-footed Goose over NE at first light - West Kirby.
1 Red Kite flew high south - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Jan 17
1 Smew (adult drake) on eastern pond at Warren Farm, view from railway bridge on approach road to Talacre/Point of Ayr.
3 Snow Bunting on beach - Point of Ayr.

Jan 16
5 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon at high tide - New Brighton Marine Lake.

Jan 15
2 Green Sandpiper - Neston Sewage Works.
5 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon at high tide - New Brighton Marine Lake.
1 Green Sandpiper off Marshlands Road - Neston Marsh.
1 Smew (adult drake) on eastern pond at Warren Farm, view from railway bridge on approach road to Talacre/Point of Ayr.
3 Snow Bunting on beach - Point of Ayr.

Jan 14
1,500 Pink-footed Geese in field next to Gilroy to West Kirby footpath - Hoylake Langfields.
1 Goldeneye (drake) and 10 Red-breated Merganser - Hilbre.
1 Smew (drake) on private pond off Station Road but can be viewed from path by estuary, also 5 Snow Bunting on beach - Point of Ayr.
1 Slavonian Grebe at high tide - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Hen Harrier (sub-adult grey male), 6 Marsh Harrier, 1 Greenshank, 4,000 Lapwing and 2 Stonechat - Old Baths, Parkgate.

Jan 13
1 Slavonian Grebe this afternoon - Hilbre.
3 Snow Bunting on beach - Point of Ayr.

Jan 12
110 Great Crested Grebe and at least 1,000 Common Scoter at high tide, flat calm - Leasowe/Meols.
1 Slavonian Grebe this afternoon - Hilbre.
1 Merlin (male) hunting near pumping station - Gronant Dunes.

Jan 11
3 Waxwing feeding on berries this morning - Seabank Road, Lower Heswall.
7+ Great White Egret - Neston Marsh.
1 Smew on private pond off Station Road but can be viewed from path by estuary - Point of Ayr.

Jan 10
1 Smew on private pond off Station Road but can be viewed from path by estuary - Point of Ayr.
4 Waxwing spent a few hours feeding on berry tree and sitting on aerial before flying off towards centre of village - Seabank Road, Lower Heswall.
Good cold weather movement of Lapwings including 1,500 over before 9am - Burton Mere Wetlands.
3 Goldeneye (2 drake), 1 Red-breated Merganser and 14+ Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Short-eared Owl off Harp Inn - Neston Marsh.

Jan 9
2 Long-tailed Duck, 1 drake Goldeneye and c100 Great Crested Grebe off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
3 Goldeneye (2 drakes) and 13 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) - Parkgate.

Jan 8
450 Bar-tailed Godwit - Thurstaston Shore.

Jan 7
3 Goldeneye  (2 males) and 5 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
2 Long-tailed Duck (m&f), 2 Red-throated Diver, 1 Eider and 2 Red-breasted Merganser off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
5 Goosander, 4 Eider, 2 Red-throated Diver, 22 Great Crested Grebe, 7 Wigeon, 3,000 Common Scoer, 450 Brent Geese, 1 Peregrine and 1 Raven over high tide - Hilbre.
11 Goosander on pond - Meols Station.
1 Hen Harrier (ringtail), 1 Ruddy Shelduck, 50+ Redwing, 50+ Fieldfare and 1 Kingfisher - Burton Marsh to Denhall Quay.
1 Bittern flew into roost and Bearded Tit vocal this evening, also 2 Water Pipit, 1 juv Peregrine, 1 Green Sandpiper and 2 Marsh Harrier- Neston Old Quay/Reedbed.

Jan 6
1 Bittern and 6+ Marsh Harrier flew into roost - Neston Reedbed.
c3,000 Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.

Jan 5
1 Bittern flew into roost - Neston Reedbed.
8 Woodcock flew out of roost this evening - Pasture Road, Moreton.
3 Hen Harrier (1 grey male), 1 Merlin, 5 Marsh Harrier and 5 Great White Egret - Old Baths, Parkgate.

Jan 4
2 Goldeneye (pair), 9 Goosander and 1 Great Crested Grebe - West Kirby Marine Lake.

Jan 3
12+ Waxwing in garden on Saughall Massie Lane this morning - Upton.
4 Waxwing in tree in Pipers Lane this morning - Heswall.
4 Snow Bunting - Talacre Beach.
2 Goldeneye (pair) and 7 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.

Jan 2
2 Waxwing over - Moreton.
3 Waxwing in private garden - Connah's Quay.

Jan 1
2 Short-eared Owl - Burton Marsh.
3 Waxwing near entrance to RLGC on Meols Drive - Hoylake.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male) and 6 Great Egret - Denhall Quay.
5 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.