January 2023 Newsletter
Wader's Walk - Meols
Redwings over Hilbre,
October 19th © Alan Hitchmough
Rather hidden away behind the tennis courts along
Meols Parade is a collection of lovely bird paintings, 32 in total.
This is the 'Wader's Walk' opened on 21st August 2021 by Montse
Benitez. but I'll let the photographs of the notices and a selection of
ten of the paintings tell the story (there is a map showing the
location at
the bottom of this article):

'Reach for the Sky' by
Carol Tippin
'Dunlin, Knot,
Oystercatchers' by Susan Lee Brown
'Dunlin & Redshank'
by Diana Baddley
'Ringed Plover' by
Marion Tuffrey
'Tern' by Jill Plunkett
The caption reads "The Littlest Tern asked 'Why do we always fly back
to the Wirral?'
The wise old Tern repleid - 'Because it is a beautiful place to be'.
'Oh, I see said the Littlest Tern, of course it is.'.
'Roosting Waders' by
Margaret Sixsmith.
'Gulls' by Michael
'Cormorant' by Emma
'Dunlin' by Tony Crelley
'Gull' by Community
Map showing The Wader's
Walk between Hoylake Lifeboat Station and Sandhey Slipway
The start of the Wader's
Walk from the Hoylake Lifeboat Station end
A lovely photo of some
of the real waders to be seen off the Wader's Walk - December 2021 on
the ebiing tide © Les Hall
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December Bird News
A short Newsletter this month means I
will do a combined December and January Bird News for the February
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Forthcoming Events
January Highest Spring Tides (Liverpool)
Also see Tides page.
23rd January, 12.07hrs (GMT), 9.9m.
24th January, 12.54hrs (GMT), 10.0m.
25th January, 13.40hrs (GMT), 9.9m.

Forthcoming Events
See events at https://events.rspb.org.uk/deeestuary