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Systematic list
Red-throated Diver
to Gannet.
Cormorant to Brent Goose (below).
Shelduck to Long-tailed
Common Scoter to Merlin.
Barbary Falcon to Knot.
Sanderling to Black-tailed
Bar-tailed Godwit to Grey
Pomarine Skua to Corn Bunting will be
published in the April 2002 Newsletter.
The status line included for each
species is adapted from the Cheshire and Wirral
Ornithological Society's bird report.
Phalacrocorax carbo
Fairly common visitor
Recorded daily. Birds often haul on
the tide edge to dry themselves, with counts in excess of 100 frequent in
late summer and early autumn. 136 on Sept 9th 2000 and 283 on Sept 1st 2001
were the highest totals of each year . Up to 15 birds are more or less ever
present offshore sat on the offshore buoy, HE2.
Phalacrocorax phalacrocorax
Very scarce coastal visitor
A single was seen on four dates
between May 17th and May 25th 2000.
Little Egret
Egretta garzetta
One flew west on the afternoon of Aug
28th 2000 (Bank Holiday Monday) in the midst of the air display for the
Hoylake Lifeboat. Although this species is becoming much more regular nearby
on the Dee, it remains a true vagrant in north Wirral. This is only the
third record for the Red Rocks recording area.
Heron Ardea cinerea
Fairly common resident
First recorded one June 2nd 2000.
There were 3 more June records of one or two then singles on Oct 21st 2000
and Jan 14th 2001. One was seen coming in high off the sea on Mar 28th
As at Red Rocks, early spring is
the best time for this species and singles were recorded regularly through
Apr and early May 2001, including an individual persistently fishing for
Sticklebacks in the back garden pond.
Mute Swan
Cygnus olor
Uncommon resident
Recorded on 6 widely spaced dates
between Jun 2nd and Oct 6th 2000. Two were sat on the sea, looking like
Gannets on Sept 9th and four flew over the house on Sept 29th.
A single on Oct 28th was the only
record for 2001.
Bewick's Swan
Cygnus columbianus
Scarce winter visitor
Fourteen, including two juvs, flew NE
on the morning of Dec 27th 2000. Probably the best species found from bed so
Pink-footed Goose
Anser brachyrhynchus
Uncommon transient winter visitor
120 were seen flying N in an extended
line over the house from Hoylake station on the morning Jan 10th 2001.
Fortunately two flocks adding up to 128 were recorded from the front door on
the morning after, qualifying for the house list officially! Presumably
these birds were feeding on the Hoylake Carrs.
Greylag Goose
Anser anser
Scarce feral resident
One or two were seen on four widely
spaced dates between Oct 10th 2000 and Mar 23rd 2001.
Canada Goose
Branta canadensis
Common Resident
A record of two on Apr 12th 2001 is
the only sight record so far. On calm evenings it is possible to hear birds
at Gilroy Rd!
Brent Goose
Branta bernicla
Very scarce coastal visitor
Three adult pale-bellied birds (B.b.hrota)
dropped onto the edge of the falling tide on Sept 16th. The eighteen
pale-bellied birds resident on Hilbre for much of the winter came onto Bird
Rock on Apr 7th 2001, with thirteen making the trip on the following day.
Single nominate
birds were seen on Oct 24th 2000 and Apr 8th 2001. On Oct 28th 2001 two
adult birds (illustrated opposite) showing intermediate characteristics
between dark-bellied and the American/Siberian Black Brant flew in at
high tide.They spent about an hour just in front of the house. One had
the neck pattern typical of B.(b).nigricans while the other had the
right flank pattern. |
Shelduck to Long-tailed
Duck. |