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Systematic list -
Red-throated Diver to Grey Phalarope, see
February 2002 Newsletter.
Pomarine Skua to Kittiwake.
Tern to Turtle Dove (below).
Cuckoo to Rock Pipit.
Yellow Wagtail to
Fieldfare to Willow
Goldcrest to Carrion Crow
Starling to Corn Bunting
The status line included for each
species is adapted from the Cheshire and Wirral
Ornithological Society's bird report.
Sandwich Tern
Sterna sanvicensis
Uncommon coastal migrant and non-breeding summer visitor
In 2000 first recorded on Jun 6th with the last record of
that year 35 on Oct 1st. In 2001 recorded between Mar 28th and Sept 29th.
Post-breeding flocks peaked at 200 on Jul 31st 2000 and 150 on Aug 1st 2001.
Roseate Tern
Sterna dougalii
One was seen flying off the north end of Hilbre on Sept 9th
2000. Although distinctive, it would not in all honesty have been claimable
from the house without a live commentary on its activities coming from
Common Tern
Sterna hirundo
Fairly common migrant and non-breeding summer visitor at
the coast
Recorded from when we moved in until Oct 1st 2000 then again
from Apr 7th 2001 until Sept 15th. A roost of 438 including 217 juvs on Aug
31st 2000 was the highest count of the year.
Numbers were rather lower in 2001, with the highest post-breeding roost
150 on Aug 22nd. 200 passed W on Sept 7th in a general movement of seabirds.
Arctic Tern
Sterna paradisaea
Scarce coastal migrant and non-breeding summer visitor
In 2000 two to seven were recorded on seven dates between Jul
13th and Oct 1st. Three extremely late birds passed west on Nov 1st.
In 2001 recorded on nine widely spaced dates between Apr 5th and Sept
15th. 22 were seen on Apr 15th while 36 were part of the general W movement
on Sept 7th.

Little Tern Sterna albifrons
Uncommon coastal migrant and non-breeding summer visitor
In 2000, recorded from when we moved in until Aug 2nd, with a
very late straggler on Oct 1st. The post-breeding roost peaked at 155,
including 55 juvs on Jul 31st.
In 2001 first recorded on Apr 22nd, but not again until Jul 22nd. The
post-breeding flock was slightly smaller, peaking at 100 on several dates in
late Jul and early Aug. Last noted on Aug 22nd, when 75 were still present.
Black Tern Childonias niger
Very scare migrant except for occasional large movements
Two on Oct 5th and four on Oct 5th 2000, then one on Sept
2nd, four on Sept 7th and a further single on Sept 15th 2001.
Guillemot Uria aalge
Scarce coastal visitor
In 2000, recorded regularly, except between Jun 24th and Sept
6th. A spectacular passage of auk spp, the vast majority of which were this
species occurred in October. The highest day total 1280 were recorded
passing W on Oct 23rd, peaking at around 2400 per hour timed over a ten
minute period.
There was a similar pattern of occurrence in 2001, with the peak this
time occurring on Oct 28th when a minimum of 5000 were recorded passing at
around 3300 per hour in flocks of up to 300. Needless to say the Red Rocks
record was surpassed.
Razorbill Alca torda
Scarce coastal visitor
Much scarcer than the above species, with only three records
outside the "auk passage season". 130 were part of the major movement on Oct
23rd 2000 while 35 were noted on Oct 28th 2001. The former is a record for
the Red Rocks recording area.
Fratercula arctica
One on May 24th 2000 was presumably the bird that was also recorded off
Red Rocks. Singles on Oct 23rd and Oct 26th 2000, three on Oct 28th 2001 and
a record eight the following day were the remaining records.
Feral Pigeon
Columbia livia
Common resident
Recorded daily, with a small colony of up to three pairs
nesting under our neighbour's eaves. The maximum feeding flock was 24 on Nov
5th 2001.
Stock Dove
Columbia oenas
Fairly common widespread resident
Two on Mar 23rd 2001 was the only record. Typical of the red
Rocks pattern of appearance!
Woodpigeon Columbia palumbus
Very common widespread resident
In 2000 only recorded on May 20th when a pair displayed on
the back lawn. In 2001 recorded between Feb 14th and May 11th, when 12 moved
Collared Dove
Streptopelia decaocto
Common widespread resident
Recorded daily and attempted to breed on our neighbour's
security light both years. 24 on Nov 14th 2000, feeding on grain put down to
attract finches remains our largest count.
Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur
Very scare summer visitor
One flew the front garden on May 31st 2000.
Cuckoo to Rock Pipit |